How do I ensure that my efforts get noticed by the right people?

Jane Muiruri, Senior HR Manager Nation Media Group

What you need to know:

To progress in your career you need to show interest in the role that you hope to grow into

Irecently joined the workforce and one of the most confusing things I’ve heard is that in order to progress in my career, I need to make sure I do my best and have the right people take note of my efforts. How do I ensure that the right people in my workplace notice my achievements? And how important is it to get noticed compared to doing my best whether someone is watching or not?

You should strive to understand your role, and your contribution to the company’s overall objectives. This is the only way to keep your job. However, to progress in your career you need to show interest in the role that you hope to grow into. One way of doing that is to find out the skills gaps you have so that you can find ways of closing them. There are many free online training resources that you can leverage on as a start. Most times, people say they want to grow yet they are not willing to take up more responsibilities without an increase in compensation. If you truly want to grow, ask for more responsibilities.

Let your bosses know that you are interested in advancing in your career. When a position you are interested in is advertised, fearlessly put your foot forward. Let them know that you are preparing for the role by improving your skills and competencies and also by offering to lead a project to gain leadership and planning capabilities.

It is equally important to get along with both your superiors and peers. You will be surprised that positive comments from your colleagues can open doors for you. Being helpful and cordial to colleagues creates positivity and improves the workplace environment, which in turn boosts productivity. Your chances of getting a leadership position increase when you nurture your people skills. As a manager, your technical expertise is important, but your people skills are more critical.

That said, do not be distracted by the desire to advance. Growth will come in the fullness of time if, among other factors, you develop your skills and competencies and develop competitive advantage over other interested candidates. Your organisation must also have a policy that allows employees to develop their talent. If this is not the case, seek opportunities in other organisations.

Jane Muiruri,

Senior HR Manager,

Nation Media Group