Should I apply for a job that my friend is interested in? 

Caroline Mboijana. PHOTO/FILE 

Dear Caroline,

I am in a dilemma. At work, an opening for a job opportunity was advertised and I am interested. The issue, however, is that one of my close friends at the office expressed interest in applying for the same position. In fact, she was seeking advice from me on the same matter. What should I do? Brenda

Hello Brenda, this should not be a problem and you must separate issues.  Your friendship is not dependent on the decisions that concern your career. If the relationship is important to you, you should be open, transparent and share with your friend that you are interested in applying for that role. 

This way, you cause a separation of the two issues. If your friend is a genuine one , your application will not be an issue. If she responds positively and welcomes your honesty, she is a true friend who appreciates your honesty and the realities of the situation. However, if she reacts negatively or passively, you need to question the relationship.

The issue here is to focus on your application and put your best foot forward to demonstrate that you are the best person for the role. Take time to review the position you are applying for and make sure you have a clear purpose for why you are applying for the role. The selection panel, will no doubt, ask this question, and you must be in position to answer it with confidence and conviction.  Your response should be validated by your ability to talk about your experience, skills and knowledge. In making your application, ensure that your CV speaks to the job description; illustrate with examples, whether written in your CV or prepared for discussion on how fit you are for the role. Talk about the projects you have achieved and the impact these projects had on the business’s success or the team you work with. 

It is important that the panel can see and hear that you understand the role. Think about how the role adds value to the business and how you can bring about an innovative way of making the position more impactful. 

Panelists also like to hear one’s views on how the role can be improved. Be prepared to talk about any changes that need to be made to the role, so that it is more impactful and effective.
Focus on your application. Good luck.