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Success is a journey, not destination

Psychologist Maureen Kobusingye. 

What you need to know:

  • Maureen Kobusingye is a counselling psychologist and author of children’s books, who recently published her first story. 

Did you ever think that you would be an author of children’s books?

The love I have for reading stories and writing in my journals pushed me to write books. In 2016 when I finished my master’s course in counselling psychology at Uganda Christian University, Mukono, I was inspired to write.

Within a space of two months, I had written more than 10 children’s stories and manuscripts. I wanted to write for children because I have seen what children struggle with and the things that upset them.

I began to ponder what I could contribute to children because there are so many challenges that children face.

Based on the skills, tools and knowledge that I learnt from the counselling psychology field, I knew it would be nice to write something to help children read a story without expecting to answer questions.

A story where children can learn from the character and find resonance, and learn to resolve the challenges they have as children.

I have more than 15 manuscripts and I am hoping they can get published.

Tanta:A Girl Who Did Not Have Friends, is my first story to be published.

How have you managed to blend writing with counselling?

My writing is informed by some of the things from counselling. Skills such as self-awareness is in counselling but I would want children to be self-aware. My writing is influenced by the field of counselling. My motto is catch them young because when you get children at an early age then you are able to infuse in them morals and skills that they can grow up with.

The Bible says “train up a child in the way he should go” so you begin to influence them with morals and skills that are positive and Christ-centered.

What are your non-negotiables?

My Christian Faith. It embodies so many aspects of life.

To what do you attribute your success?

Success is a journey not a destination, depending on your life goals and philosophy. My life philosophy in terms of success is that success is a journey. As a Christian, success is determined on ending the life journey well with my faith still strong in Jesus Christ.