Two of a kind: We did a course we were not passionate about

Susan Namata and her best friend Fatinah Babirye. PHOTO/COMBO

What you need to know:

  • Two of a kind. Susan Namata is a coffee farmer and a teacher. Susan is a resident of Kamutuuza in Kalungu District.
  • Her best friend Fatinah Babirye, is a teacher and resident of Entebbe in Wakiso District. They share their story with Gertrude Mutyaba.


Briefly talk about Fatinah.
Fatinah is an open book. What you see is what you get, she does not lie or pretend. She knows what she wants and she pushes for it and she is so smart.

Why do you consider Fatinah as your best friend?
Fatinah understands me, she reads me like a book, she knows what I like and what I do not like, she can tell when I am upset and when I am happy.

Where did you meet and how long have you known her?
We met at Makerere University while pursuing our Bachelors of Arts in Education, and we have been together for more than 10 years.

What have you managed to conquer together?
We used to read together and graduating on the same day was our main goal and we have managed to keep on a positive path.

What do you like about Fatinah?
 She is free spirited, minds her business and she is not dramatic.

What do you dislike about her?
Sometimes she is too blunt and you know how truth can be hard to take in. 

You took different career paths, how do you harmonise your lifestyles?
 We studied a course which we were not passionate about. Also, we ended up taking different career paths but this cannot stop us from meeting. Then, we are like magnets and we always end up looking for each other.
How often do you argue?
I do not remember us arguing, we always talk things out like civilized people.

Have you ever teamed up to fight someone?
No way, why would we do such a thing?
We are kind people who do not believe in fighting others.

What is your weird experience together?
I would say ziplining, that thing was so weird and raises the adrenaline levels.

Do you have a nickname for her?
Yes, I call her Mapetite. 

What is your fondest memory of her?
The day we slept out in a tent, we spent the whole night looking around for snakes.

How far would you go for her?
As far as she would let me, one thing I know is that I will always be there for her.


Briefly describe Susan.
Susan is one of the kindest people I have ever been lucky enough to know.  She is open minded about everything.

Why do you consider Susan as your best friend?
She is a good listener and gives me the best advice. Her strength and putting effort into everything she does inspires me.

How did you meet and how long have you known each other?
We met at Makerere University Kampala in our first year. I have known Susan for more than 10 years.

What have you conquered together?
We have tried to live this thing called life, managed to hold our families together, managed to keep our friendship stronger, added value to ourselves by pursuing healthy habits and upgrading our studies. Above of all, we have managed to teach people how to love themselves.

What is unique about Susan?
I like her boldness and confidence.

What is that that you do not like about her?
I think sometimes she can be so nice to people that do not deserve it.

How do you harmonise your lifestyles?
We communicate openly and discover new experiences together. 

Do you always argue with each other?
No, we have never argued, and we talk things out.

Have you ever teamed up and fought someone?
Fight? No, we always make peace with everyone around us. We are open-minded and ready to experience new things.

What is your weird experience together?
I will briefly say, the discussions towards exams, the laughter during our gym sessions, the planned trips and meet-ups.

What is her nickname?
Mapetite and she calls me the same. 

How far would you go for her?
Susan is a friend forever and I am willing to stretch myself to the furthest I can.