Who is above the law?

Some country diplomats have right of way but do they deserve it all the time? FILE PHOTO

FOR STATURE. Is it right to inconvenience others because of the

The reason many people, mainly politicians, try so hard to attain high positions, is not only economical. It is indeed power that they are looking for. And though we have all been created from the same dust, some have to find ways to convince others that their blood is of another colour.
It is interesting that the same people who should be an example of law abiding citizens, think that they are above the law, when they walk, all doors should be opened, no questions asked, they will even harass whoever disagrees, as no one in their view is supposed to object.

What is strange is that at this point in time, and having seen revolutions that brought down tyrants and dictators, at a time when humanity started to rise above slavery , breaking shackles of colonialism and servitude to masters, a group remains adamant to follow the old ways of behaviour, ways of humanity that lost its direction.
Positions of power, diplomatic immunity and VIP treatment have built fortresses around some people, who would hide behind its walls totally immune from harm and prosecution.
So many times we have heard news of diplomats or royals who broke laws of countries they travelled to, not only did they got out of the problem they caused, unharmed and untouched, the news of their scandals are often silenced or simply pulled down from media houses by paying millions of dollars under the table. And when a media house refuses to sell its integrity for money, we finally get to hear the news, albeit with no implication on the culprit.

Case in the far East
Sometimes abuse of one’s position takes a funny turn. My relative was once at a party somewhere in the Far East where an embassy was celebrating their country’s New Year. They were expecting an important diplomatic package to arrive. It was becoming rather late, but guests were informed that the package had now arrived by plane and was being brought to the party with police escort to avoid the huge jam on the roads. All sorts of things went through my relative’s mind of what could this package be until he finally saw it. It contained pots of food! Yes, the national dish of that country cooked back home with authentic flavours and ingredients and flown in and driven with police escort to reach the party in time for dinner!

The irony of life
So, for all the poor souls who happened to drive on the airport road that night, and who found themselves being ushered off the road by the police sweeper cars to enable the diplomatic convoy to go through, they should know that they contributed towards a noble cause. One that allowed guests at the party to taste the authentic food of the celebrating country, before the food got cold. It is rather sad.

The question
Should diplomats have right of way even when their duty does not call? Imagine making way for those who are delivering pots of food to a country country from the airport. Ordinary citizens too deserve their space.