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Bwamba king unveils queen consort

The king of the Obudhigiya Bwa Bwamba [OBB] cultural institution Rt Lt. Col. Ayongi Kamya and  queen consort, Betty Mbabazi. Photo | Longino Muhindo

The king of the Obudhigiya Bwa Bwamba [OBB] cultural institution Rt Lt. Col. Ayongi Kamya on Saturday officially unveiled his queen consort, Nabantu, to his kingdom officials and subjects.

The function, attended by members of the cultural institution's Cabinet, Kusei, Chiefs, and subjects, was held at Nkisya Royal Palace in Buganikere town in Bundibugyo District.

The queen consort, Betty Mbabazi, born on August 20, 1995, is a daughter of Selezio Aligyaha and Gladesi Kabonesa from the Batalinga clan.

Lt. Col. Kamya, said the ceremony marks the beginning of a new chapter in the kingdom’s history where love, honour, and unity are the cornerstones.

“Our tradition dictates that a queen is not just a partner but a pillar of wisdom and compassion. I invite you to join me in welcoming Nabantu to our kingdom, to our hearts, and the throne beside me,” he said.

The Queen pledged to foster efforts in addressing family issues especially ending domestic violence and promoting cultural values and norms.

The Bwamba queen consort, Betty Mbabazi

The kingdom's Prime Minister, Charles Bukantwa, said the queen consort has programs to spearhead that will benefit the subjects which include campaigns to end teenage pregnancies, early marriages, and domestic violence among others.

“This is another great achievement in our cultural institution, we hope the queen will foster programs of peace, unity, and coexistence but also focus on issues affecting women and the young people in this cultural institution,” he said

One of the subjects, Fredrick Ackorabirugi, said unveiling the queen is another milestone for the cultural institution.

Obudhigiya Bwa Bwamba is one of the youngest cultural institutions in Uganda after it was gazetted in 2014 after its secession from Rwenzuru Kingdom of Kasese District.

It comprises the Bamba, Babwisi, and Bavanuma tribes from the Bundibugyo district and parts of DR Congo and Rt Lt. Col. Ayongi Kamya is its first cultural leader.