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DP seeks to register 5 million new party members by 2026

Opposition DP party Secretary General, Gerald Siranda (C). PHOTO/FILE/COURTESY

What you need to know:

  • On 20, July, 2023, Museveni and DP president Nobert Mao signed a working agreement between the two political parties.

The Opposition Democratic (DP) party has embarked on a country wide drive of enrolling 5 million new members on the party register ahead of 2026 general elections.

"We need 5 million people registered,’’ Dr Gerald Siranda , the Secretary General of the party said in Busia district

According to him, the new party members will have to pay Shs2, 000 for the party cards.

Dr Siranda, who is also a member of the East African Legislative Assembly, said renewed “countrywide registration seeks to revitalize the country's oldest political party.”

"We want to have DP field candidates at all levels beginning from parish to parliamentary seats in 2026,’’ Siranda announced.

Dr Siranda hinted on party plans to front a candidate to challenge incumbent Samia Bugwe North Member of Parliament John Mulimba, who doubles as state minister for regional cooperation.

However, he declined to name a proposed party frontrunner amid speculation that DP stalwart Deogratius Njoki is interested in Mulimba’s seat.

Gilbert Amando, the DP vice president for the Eastern region, said they are in cooperation with the ruling NRM party to develop a framework for successful political and constitutional transition.

"The country's problem is not Museveni. That is why we feel we need changes in the framework,’’ Amando noted.

"DP is not ready to inherit the current constitution which gives the president absolute powers. That is why we feel dialogue is the best option, followed by review of the constitution.’’

Amando argued that Museveni’s near 4 decadd rule has his ideology entrenched, making it hard for any opposition party to take him out of  power forcefully without bloodshed.

"We witnessed bloodshed when the Kabaka was overthrown in 1966…the same happened in 1971 and 1985 during Obote’s regime.  Overthrow of Amin in 1979, most of the innocent people were killed and we don't want this to happen again,’’ Amando warned.

He said DP wants Museveni to retire peacefully by going back to his country home on Rwakitura without a single gunshot fired.

On 20, July, 2023, Museveni and DP president Nobert Mao signed a working agreement between the two political parties.

In the signed agreement, the two parties agreed to share political power and cooperate with NRM in supporting the overall governance agenda and supporting Parliamentary votes on matters of confidence and supply for the full term (2021 -2026) of this parliament.