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Museveni assures UPDF soldiers on salary enhancement

President Museveni is seen during the pass out of  at least 500 members of the UPDF technical crew at Karama Armoured War Fare Training School in Mubende District on July 15, 2022. PPU/PHOTO 

What you need to know:

  • President Museveni also said UPDF is "finally getting into the system and culture of a real revolutionary army."

President Museveni has assured soldiers that their salaries will gradually be enhanced as the economy advances.

“Initially we planned to have a Private earn the same as a Grade Three Primary School teacher. At the time, the ones from the rank of a Major, upwards, were not touched.

Now we have increased from Major to General. As the economy improves, we shall keep on moving until we handle all,” Mr Museveni said while officiating at the pass-out of over 100 platoon commanders and more than 450 Armour crew servicemen at Armoured Warfare Training School Karama in Mubende District on Friday.

President Museveni inspects a guard of honor during the pass out of  at least 500 members of the UPDF technical crew at Karama Armoured War Fare Training School in Mubende District on July 15, 2022. PPU/PHOTO 

The commanders were trained in armour gunnery, combat driving, armour design and maintenance, communication, tactics, political education, military health, international humanitarian law, military war and mine warfare among other things.

“When I advise you, listen and implement. You must use all the combined elements to subdue the enemy,” Mr Museveni said.

Prior to his remarks, the Ugandan leader had witnessed a spectacular military exercise by the graduands together with other sections of the army including the air, land forces and tank artillery.

“You were very accurate, hitting targets during the exercise! I didn’t see anybody missing. Therefore we are moving very well,” Mr Museveni observed as he strongly advised the soldiers to “mind their health by avoiding situations that can end their lives prematurely like alcoholism and immorality.”

President Museveni is seen during the pass out of  at least 500 members of the UPDF technical crew at Karama Armoured War Fare Training School in Mubende District on July 15, 2022. PPU/PHOTO 

Karama Armoured Warfare Training School Commandant Col Jackson Kajuba said the core objective of the course was to “produce armour commanders and armour crews capable of executing their duties effectively and efficiently in all conditions.”

“The school endeavors to produce ideologically clear officers and men who understand the value of people,” he added.

Gen Museveni later awarded gifts to the best performers in all categories. The recipients included Lt Juma Mulebe as the best overall student. Others were Lt Juma Musizo, Pte Akello, Pte Ahurira Erisa, Pte Charles Lochap, Pte Hosea Onaba, Pte Hassan Haruna, Pte David Godongo and Lt Sunda Katsigazi.