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Dr Waddell; Unsung hero of Uganda @60

Rt. Rev. Dr. Fred Sheldon Mwesigwa

What you need to know:

...the Ruharo Mission Hospital medical doctor who has practiced medicine in Uganda since 1964when I was two years old!

As I pondered Uganda’s independence and the attendant spirit of nation development, my reflections of the 60 year journey focused on Dr.Keith Waddell, the Ruharo Mission Hospital medical doctor who has practiced medicine in Uganda since 1964 when I was two years old!

Could there be a politician, civil servant, and businessman, religious leader who started his trade in 1964 and is still as relevant in ministering to the needs of the nation as the 86 year old Dr Waddell? What could have propelled this British born accomplished medical doctor to fall in love with Uganda and given it his all? It is his deep faith in Christ which he does not confront people with, but attempts to live out, that seems to drive his passion for ministering to the needs of the underprivileged. Dr Waddell has not only practiced medicine, but is a lecturer to undergraduate and postgraduate students, a trainer of ophthalmologists and eye care workers, a researcher and a philanthropist.

It all began in 1964 with mission impossible, when the young medical doctor in London’s st.Batholomew’s inland mission team that was destined to operate in Oicha Hospital in DR Congo but could not because of the  Simba rebellion upheaval.

Dr. Waddell was commissioned  by his home church  St.Mary’s Istlington in London to be their mission partner in 1964. He soon settled in Uganda and served as a missionary doctor at Kagando hospital in Kasese, Kuluva hospital in Arua, Kisiizi hospital in Rukungiri and now Ruharo Mission Hospital, Mbarara. Despite being experienced general medical physician and a surgeon, obstetrician, pathologist and expert in tropical diseases including leprosy, he was later to train fully and qualify as an ophthalmologist and win the accolade of Fellow of Royal College of ophthalmologists, Fellow of Royal College of Physicians and Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons. Dr Waddell has distinguished himself as a roving medical doctor whose eye care and surgery outreach programmes have been extended to different parts of Uganda .

These outreach programmes are aimed at lens implant operations for the tens of thousands in Uganda blinded by cataract. Ruharo Mission Hospital, Eye department has become a household name of providing eye care and surgery in Uganda, largely because of the anchor services and support provided by Dr Waddell.

Recently a children’s eye cancer ward to address retinoblastoma, cancer of eyes, has been concluded courtesy of Dr Weddell’s connections to different agencies allied with sight savers Intranational, formerly Royal Common wealth Society for the Blind. The icing on the cake of Dr Waddell’s larger than life contribution to humanity has been improving the nation’s health and  supporting marginalized young people to acquire education  through disadvantaged Youngsters project which ran for over 40yeras which culminated in the formation of the Dr.Keith Waddell Foundation Ltd.  It is no small wonder that Dr. Waddell was honoured by the Queen of England with an MBE (Member of the British Empire) and CBE (Commander of the order of the British Empire), the highest ranking order of the British Empire award excluding a Knighthood! Following his research into conjunctival carcinoma and its relationship to HIV, it earned him a doctorate of Medicine at Oxford University, his alma mater.

The recent formation of Dr.Keith Waddell foundation Ltd under the aegis of Ankole Diocese will go a long way to retain the legacy of a legendary eye doctor who was destined for Congo and got stuck in Uganda for life. I am still wondering why the Ugandan national honours and awards committee did not find Dr Waddel worth of a Ugandan independence medal.

Perhaps, never say never, but I am glad to declare him the unsung hero of Uganda’s 60th independence anniversary.

Rt.Rev.Dr.Fred Sheldon Mwesigwa , Bishop, Ankole Diocese & Patron Ruharo Mission Hospital & Founder Patron Dr.Keith Waddell Foundation Ltd.