NRM national register update starts Wednesday

President Museveni unveils the NRM 2026 election roadmap at the party secretariat in Kampala on February 28, 2024. PHOTO/ABUBAKER LUBOWA 

What you need to know:

  • Ms Namyalo added that updating party register (yellow book) kicks off the preparations for general elections as the first phase in the party’s roadmap for internal elections and the general elections

The National Resistance Movement is expected to kick off the party membership renewal and registration exercise on Wednesday across the country.

Speaking during an engagement meeting with party mobilisers on Tuesday, the head of the Office of National Chairman, Hajjat Hadijah Namyalo, said that the exercise aims at expanding the membership scale of the ruling party ahead of the 2026 general elections.

“The five-day exercise will include renewal and registration of new members starting from March 13 to 17. During the exercise we will verify all the members who are active in the party and remove those who are no longer active (especially deceased),” she said.

Ms Namyalo added that updating the party register (yellow book) kicks off the preparations for general elections as the first phase in the party’s roadmap for internal elections and the general elections.

“I urge those in charge of this exercise to be very careful and avoid corrupt party members who might be having personal interests that contradict with the party rules. We expect coordinators to look for more new members and exceed current membership levels because numbers mean a lot when it comes to elections,” she said, revealing that each district and city coordinator has been tasked to secure at least 10 new members in every village.

President Museveni also the party chairman while launching the exercise last month, urged the party cadres to clearly understand the four core principles of the NRM; Patriotism, Pan-Africanism, socio-economic transformation and democracy, so that they can solve the problems of Ugandans.

“Mobilisation, holding meetings and all those other efforts will be very easy if you go back to the NRM principles. The principles of the NRM are a diagnosis of the problems of Uganda. Sensitize Ugandans in order to cause the much-desired socio-economic transformation in the country,” he said.