Free movement of people; a step in the right direction

Uganda only allows citizens from 20 African countries to enter visa-free while 33 other African nationals are not permitted entry without a visa. Photo / Courtesy 

What you need to know:

  • The issue: Free movement
  • Our view: Many great initiatives by regional bodies such as EAC, SADC, and others have remained unimplemented because some countries for one reason or another go back on their promises. The leadership should embrace the spirit of cooperation and support the people to achieve their potential.

A couple of days ago, the government of Uganda signed a memorandum of understanding that gives freedom to people from the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (Igad) countries in Uganda. 

The signing that took place in Kampala makes Uganda the 5th member to sign the free movement protocol after Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, and Ethiopia, of the eight-member body.

The benefits of the free movement of people cannot be over-emphasized and include regional trade, improved access to basic social services such as hospitals, schools, and others, in addition to accessing markets and goods that they would otherwise not reach, especially in the fragile communities ravaged by extreme climatic conditions such as floods and landslides, food insecurity, wars, and conflicts.

Therefore, in the era where technological advancement makes communities connect, there should not be any barriers to the movements.

However, there are still many issues that countries have not sorted out. For example, some countries such as Tanzania still put roadblocks on free movement and refuse to recognize national IDs as travel documents, some countries still ask for work permits, student visas, etc hence hindering the free movement of labor from one country to another, while others have refused to open their borders for free movement of goods and services and are hiding behind excuses of quality, standards, and security. 

Some of the trade disagreements between Uganda and Kenya and between Uganda and Tanzania stem from the fact that at some point, some of these countries are not fully open to allowing free movement of people as well as goods and services.

There will never be free trade under the African Continental Free Trade Area (AFCFTA) as long as the countries still impose the non-tariff barriers and block citizens of neighboring countries from free entry and trade.

The other countries should emulate this good example of Igad countries by opening up their borders for free movement, which will allow free trade and movement of goods and services across borders for meaningful trade and interregional or intercontinental cooperation.

Many great initiatives by regional bodies such as EAC, SADC, and others have remained unimplemented because some countries for one reason or another go back on their promises. The leadership should embrace the spirit of cooperation and support the people to achieve their potential.