Car wipers: The often forgotten workhorse

Car wipers help to clear visibility, especially during rain.

Although a car’s engine, tyres, bodywork and other parts often get plenty of attention, windscreen wipers are often ignored.
In fact, they are so overlooked and easily taken for granted until when the driver really needs them to do some wiping.
Safe driving depends on good visibility and rain in particular impairs vision.
Worn out wipers blades simply do not work well enough for safe driving. In general, wiper blades are made from rubber and therefore are susceptible to wear and tear.
The sun, dust, age and other factors contribute to the tear.
Even if they are not used often, wiper blades must be checked and if necessary replaced regularly.
In reality, no one gives wipers a second thought. They sit day after day, month after month, just waiting for the first drop of rain to flip.
Whereas wipers are not the types of items that car drivers give much attention, it is pretty obvious they have inferior points, especially if they are mishandled.
Sometimes drivers just flip them on a dry wind screen to dust off dirt.
While many others assume they are a fixed part that will work forever forgetting they have a limited lifespan.
In fact, important to note is car manufacturers recommend changing wipers every six months or a year.
Not doing so creates a major inconvenience when driving and using wipers, especially during a downpour.
A simple check is to try your windscreen washers. If the blades are not in good condition, they will with difficulty attempt to wipe the washer fluid off the glass resulting into a streaking or chattering sound.

Replacing wiper blades
Changing blades is not hard and can be done quickly because all it usually involves is buying the right replacement.
However, always avoid blades sold at questionable points such as the street that are particularly of low.
Once you have found the right blade you simply remove the old blade from the wiper arm and replace it with the new one.
All it will take is about five minutes and you’re done and the change will be very obvious the first time you use them in the rain. Suddenly things that weren’t visible are now visible and you are driving much more safely.
While they are a relatively small car part that is not used so often, it is vital to have them in good working condition.