Mr President is it really worth the price Uganda is paying? – Part I

Like millions of other Ugandans, I am deeply troubled by the increasing political and social chaos caused solely by a private member’s Bill. Ordinarily, such a Bill is of little interest to government. Many such Bills are rejected and thrown out of Parliament when most members see them as of no beneficial interest to the people and country. It is obvious that Cabinet is divided and may be that is why no minister risked taking the Bill on his docket.
Mr President, you used to respect, listen and act on the advice of many compatriots including retired Chief Justice Wako Wambuzi, former Prime Minister Apolo Nsibambi, former Principal Judge and chairperson of the Judicial Service Commission James Ogoola.
They now belong to a larger organisation known as The Elders Forum of Uganda. That forum in a meeting attended by the above numerated VIPs and fervent supporters of yours rejected that private member’s Bill and strongly advised you never to stand again for president.
The NRM have totally ignored that when you first became President in 1986, you promised the country and the whole world that yours was not a mere change of guard but a fundamental change. You undertook to complete your work as President within four years and hand over government to an elected democratic party.
You may recall that as your minister of Justice and Attorney General, I persuaded the then Legislature and it extended the NRM tenure of office for another five years. I am sure you have not forgotten the roles you and our comrades past and living participated in making decisions that have guided development of Uganda since then.
These are too many to enumerate but personalities such as James Wapakhabulo, Eriya Kategaya, Chango Macho, Serwanga Lwanga, Bidandi Ssali, David Sejusa, Ruhakana Rugunda, Henry Tumukunde, John Bikangaga, Martin Aliker, Bishop Festo Kivengere, Julius Nyerere, Daniel arap Moi, among others, must come to your mind.
Tens of thousands Ugandans died fighting to establish democracy, the rule of law, transparency and accountability as well as the freedom to differ on many issues of our governance and welfare. Mr President, if you love Ugandans, which I believe you do, you must deeply regret that many of our compatriots have already either died, been permanently maimed, or tortured in the name of this divisive private member’s Bill.
I have always admired you as a man of compassion and reason. Personally, I have been a beneficiary of your wisdom and guidance. Someone once remarked that Museveni is hardworking and honest in dealings with other people. They quoted you as saying that, among others, you admire integrity and frankness of James Kahooza and George Kanyeihamba. I believe that Kahooza and I share the same predicament and foreboding about this Bill.
Let me plead with you once more, Your Excellency that let this Bill be formally withdrawn from further torturous road to your presidential office for assent.
It is common knowledge that apart from those who will benefit financially from the chaos caused by the passage of this Bill, millions of Ugandans who now constitute the vast majority are disgusted by the embarrassing acrobatics and dishonestly applied by the sycophants who think you will reward them for their loyalty to you.
Mr President, do you recall the loyalty and significant contribution to the development of Ugandans such as Lt Gen Henry Tumukunde, Gen Mugisha Muntu, Dr Kizza Besigye, Lt Col Serwanga Lwanga, Gen Salim Saleh, Yusuf Lule, Gen David Sejusa, Maj Gen James Kazini, Gen Aronda Nyakairima and Brig Gad Wilson Toko, among others, would or are feeling about this NRM cobra that has been stealthily released onto tender cheeks?

Prof Kanyeihamba is a retired Supreme Court judge.
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