Harmonise position on sexuality education

What you need to know:

  • The issue: Sexuality education
  • Our view: It is important that the Catholic Church and the Ministry of Education sit together and come to an agreement. In the end, both of them would want to see that the children of this country are empowered

Many child educationists, therapists and counsellors agree that it is important to give children from the age of two to three years, sexuality education. Although it is a sensitive topic and parents are wary, even too embarrassed and scared to talk to their children about it, a child who is well educated about the issue will make better decisions and judgments.

The Catholic Church leadership are currently unhappy with government’s National Sexuality Education programme and have stated that they will not allow it to be introduced or taught in their church-founded schools. This was in a story titled ‘Bishops reject sexuality education in schools’ (see yesterday’s Daily Monitor).

The Catholic Church takes issue with the fact that their “contribute remarks and suggestions have been substantially ignored” and that while it contains some valid ideas and guidelines, it fails to answer come crucial questions in an adequate manner. Some of the queries they have are on what kind of content children in early childhood and lower primary will be exposed to; they feel the content and life skills planned for are not appropriate for those age groups.

They also feel that some of the content is open to interpretation, which interpretation might not stick to Christian values. They state that should the policy remain unchanged, they will now allow it in their schools. It is important for all the stakeholders to understand the need for sex education.

There is no question or debate over the burden of defilement and teenage pregnancies this country faces. According to the Uganda Demographic and Health Survey of 2016, ‘Twenty five per cent of adolescent girls of 15 to 19 years in Uganda, have begun child-bearing.”

The report also stated that the proportion of teenagers, who have started childbearing, reduces with the level of education. This, as well as producing many children and being unable to provide for them, getting low-paying jobs, etc, are some of the consequences of getting pregnant while still a teen, research has shown. We do not want our children finding themselves in such a predicament.

When it comes to defilement, while there are many causes that lead to it, it is possible that if some children know what to do if any adult starts acting suspiciously around them or around their friends, they should be in a better position to know what to do to avoid a terrible situation. This is why it is important that the Catholic Church and the Ministry of Education sit together and come to an agreement. In the end, both of them would want to see that the children of this country are empowered, educated and thrive in their schools. Let this be at the back of their mind as they debate this delicate, but important matter.

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