I don’t believe in sex before marriage

Benon Mugumbya says he is a good cook and hopes to be happily married some day. Photo by Abubaker Lubowa.

What you need to know:

Benon Mugumbya. A music producer at Swangz Avenu, he is the brain behind songs like Azziz Azion’s Nkumila Omukwano, Irene Namubiru’s Bona O’basinga, Music Africa by Viboyo, and Nyumirwa Nyo by Desire Luzinda. He shares with Gloria Haguma about his Christian upbringing and the things it hinders him from doing, like having sex on a first date.

How would you describe your ideal woman?
Confident. Loyal. Go-getter. God-fearing. I do not care about beauty because everyone is beautiful in their own way.

What goes into producing a song?
Producing a song entails creating the beats, working on vocals and mixing of the song. When I am working on a song, I do not care wether it is going to become a hit or not. My focus is on giving it my all, to make it the best that it can become.

Aside from music, what else interests you?
I love movies, documentaries, and cooking. I like movies that are realistic and challenge my thinking and imagination. I do not like sci-fi movies though, or horrors.

When do you get the time for movies?
When work is slow, and I do not have any deadlines to beat, I get myself some “me time” and do these things.

What do you think women want?
Women want care and attention. They love those small things like a phone call every once in a while, a surprise text message in the middle of the day, and things like those. I don’t think real women are out there for money, or those materialistic things. They just want that reassurance that they are the “one”.

Which Ugandan female artiste do you admire?
Many, each with different qualities and values. But I like Juliana Kanyomozi, especially the way she handles the business side of her career. The times I have worked with her, I found that she knows what she wants. She is particular when it comes to business. I love a woman who knows and goes after what she wants.

What is the most extra-ordinary thing you have done for a women?
To tell you the truth, I don’t think I have done it yet. It is such a shame. I do not think I have done anything that is out of this world and worth talking about yet.

Sex on the first date, would you do it?
I would not do it. First of all, I’m raised from a Christian background, so the whole sex on the first date sounds so wrong. I do not believe in having sex before marriage.

What do you think of strong successful women?
I think women have the ability to be whatever they want to be because women are more organised than men. The women I have dealt with in my profession are more committed. Whatever they do, they put a lot of attention to it, so, it doesn’t surprise me to see a successful woman. They have the power to be successful.

Would you date a woman that earns a lot more than you do?
Of course, I would find it a little intimidating. But, at the end of the day, if I love her, and she loves me, that is all that matters. I don’t see why it should always be the other way round. I do not see why the man always has to earn more.

Why are most men today running away from their responsibility of providing?
A lot of things; society, the media. A lot of things are to blame for this. It’s what we see on TV. Everyone is trying to sell sex. So that is why you will find a lot of men getting women pregnant only to realise they are not ready for the repercussions. Even the women. Our generation today is very irresponsible, especially when it comes to things like sex. Sex is very casual nowadays.

What is it that a man wants in a woman?
I’m still trying to figure that out. It sounds silly, but I have not figured it out yet.

What about you would surprise us?
I’m very emotional, and I have just come to learn that. I also find it hard to open up to people, and that has affected whoever has tried to come into my life.
What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you on a date?
Can I be very honest with you? I have not been on a date before.

Friends with benefits. Discuss
That leads to a lot of complications. It starts out innocent, and before you know it, it is trouble. The thing is these relationships never not end at just sex. There is always more and more, especially the women will want more. Eventually, they will want your heart, which you are not willing to give. This kind of relationship comes with a lot of strings attached.

Your take the view that marriage has lost its value and just makes people miserable?
Well, I hope and pray that I don’t end up unmarried. And I hope that he is wrong. Yes, I have seen unhappy marriages, it does exist. But I would love to have a family and a wife. It’s unfortunate that marriage can sometimes turn out sour, but I guess it all depends on the kind of person you end up with. And you know the road can’t always be straight for all of us.

What is the biggest mistake Ugandan women make in relationships?
They expect too much from relationships. It is good to be expectant, but when you raise your expectations too high, it creates alot of room for disappointment. Some girls think that because we are together, I’m supposed to provide for all your needs. But it does not mean you cannot chip in once in a while.
If we are in this thing together, why should the load always be on my shoulders?

Point blank
Should a woman pick the bill?
If she asked me out, then I see no reason why she shouldn’t foot the bill.
Had I not been a music producer
I would have been a computer specialist, dealing in maintenance, programming, and the like. I have a diploma in networking essentials, and maintenance.
Why are you so secretive?
I think my life is my life. I love sharing stuff to do with music, because that is my God-given talent. Outside that, I love to keep the rest of me very private. In short, I love my privacy.
Ideal date…
I love cooking, so, I would definitely cook for her. I can cook everything, but my best prepared dishes are rice and chapatti.