My story : Ladies, not all drama makes a relationship interesting

If your parents were or are the conservative type, chances are they told you about sex, girls and boys. Basically they told you about the pros and cons of dating that when you turned into a grown teenager, you knew what to do and what not to do when interacting with the opposite sex.
However, if your parents are or were the liberal kind, chances are they left the “lets-talk” to their parents; your grandparents and in extreme cases if you may say, to TV and magazines. If you were lucky, at school teachers brought it up once in a while but never really pushed issue, leaving the topic to hang.
Now you are a grown woman, married, or maybe dating the coolest man among the rest who managed to gather the courage to tell you “what’s up”.
From the start you discovered you were his first girl. In other words, he did not have anyone to call his “ex-girlfriend”, and being a guy, I can only imagine how exciting this sincere fact was to you. You were his missing rib and finally you have found each other! A fairy tale so beautiful, it could easily make the pages of a romantic novel.
Now please fathom my shock when this woman, a very free-spirited beautiful woman told of a story regarding her and her loving husband. They had been married for four years and all that time she was happy. However, in the past year or so, she started having mixed feelings. Sometimes she is happy and sad at the same time. Why? Wait for it…
She was happy being married to this man who she loves and sad that this same man had no ex-girlfriend. This little fact haunted her, like my enormous desire to fly to Paris. They fancied the imaginary drama involved and she wanted to participate in such drama at least once in her life time. To her friends, she was the counsellor who they all ran to whenever there was drama between them and their men, ex-girlfriend drama to be precise.
They did not know she wanted to be cat woman for a change, just one time. However, she could not because her man did not give her reason to and this fact was now getting to her head.
Does your relationship with your man lacks a little bit of drama and because of this fact you feel it is boring? Why would you wish for drama in the first place?
I am not a relationship wrecker, nor am I the love guru like Mike Myers, but I would think a relationship devoid of drama from your man’s ex-girlfriend would be a good thing.
But there was this woman on a TV show telling the world how she wished her man would put her in a situation where she had to confront his ex-girlfriend or any other woman for that matter just so she could gain some satisfaction and tell tales from the experience. At one point during the interview she wondered if something was wrong with her man and that she was blind not to see it.
We are all blind to some thing, let’s agree.
I like to think we all love a peaceful life even though peace once in a while breeds boredom here and there, but drama only entertains abusive rhetoric and fights in the extreme cases.
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