‘Fashion business is priceless’

Marsha Buyungo

What does fashion mean to you?
Giving the client value for their money makes me happy. But I best describe fashion as a personal expression of mood and culture at a certain given time and place. Like what fits where for what mood or occasion.

What has been your greatest inspiration?
This was my mom (RIP). She lived fashion, she breathed fashion, she loved fashion and was a very good fashion designer in the 80’s and 90’s under Rudigar Essence label. I proudly carry on her legacy but under Byg Marsha Couture.

What lessons have you learnt running a business?
Put God first in everything. Do not get into large credit trying to expand your business, getting advice from financial experts is key. Do not take your clients for granted because we live in a competitive world and someone is always willing to offer them what you offer.
I also encourage others to pick interest in pinterest app. Pinterest is an app we should all embrace within our different fields, because it has all the trending stuff one could look for; in fashion, health, food, housing, furniture, art etc.

What gives you satisfaction at your workplace?
I am an accountant by profession, but how long would it have taken me to be my own boss? I believe much longer than it did take me in fashion. I studied ACCA as a profession but fashion is my passion. And when a client is elated with my work, it’s a priceless feeling. Because trust me they always recommend and that’s how I’ve built my clientele over the years.

What makes you tick?
Work ethics, integrity, openness and consistency. But above all, at the end of the day, it’s God.

Any challenges?
Price competition is a major challenge in the fashion field and the market has been infiltrated with fairly good imported Chinese merchandise. That is why we ought to be the very best at our custom-made designs. We have to find that x-factor that distinguishes our products from others that at the end of the day the client feels like they are actually getting value for their money.

Who are the people that have held your hand up when you felt like giving up?
My big brother, my mentor, my all-time MVP, Tino Buyungo. One time in 2017 my shop at Ivory Plaza was razed to ashes. I went into a major depression because I lost everything. He encouraged and financially helped me back to sanity. I

If you had to do it again, what would you do better?
I would involve my children from the time they got off my tits. But well it’s never too late. Fashion design did not stop with my mom, and it definitely isn’t stopping with me.

What keeps you going?
My children are a very big driving factor in my life. Like my daughter who just turned 10, she keeps challenging me to try out different things.