Children burnt in Sunday house fire die

What you need to know:

  • Ms Jessica Kateme, a neighbour, said efforts to rush to the house were dampened when they found the door had locked the mother inside as she forced her way out of the house with the children.

BUGWERI- Two children have succumbed to severe burns they suffered on Sunday when fire gutted their house at Namiganda Village, Ibulanku Sub-county in Bugweri District.

The area LC1 Chairman, Mr Franco Ocaya, on Tuesday identified the deceased as Ibrahim Tenywa Lubowa, 2 and Waiswa Ssegirinya, 4, both sons to Scovia Nabirye and Mr Kintu Mawazi.
Mr Ocaya said Ssegirinya died at Kirudu hospital in Kampala where he was taken after being severely burnt while Lubowa died upon arrival at the same hospital.

“The mother is still in critical condition having been burnt as she entered the house to rescue the children,” Mr Ocaya said.
Following the incident, the trio was on Monday rushed to Iganga hospital before being referred to Mulago hospital after their wounds were deemed ‘severe’, the Iganga hospital administrator, Mr Alamathan Gaboli, said.
The father to the deceased said the fire started when the children were alone in the house and a candle lit a mosquito net before spreading to the entire house.
“I was seated at a neighbour’s home as my wife cooked in the kitchen and it was her who saw the fire and raised an alarm. As the children were yelling, my wife jumped into the fire to rescue them and got burnt,” he said.

Ms Jessica Kateme, a neighbour, said efforts to rush to the house were dampened when they found the door had locked the mother inside as she forced her way out of the house with the children.
“When we rushed to rescue the trio, we were shocked to find the door locked, with the mother inside fidgeting to get out. This is partly the reason they were severely burnt,” she said.
The Iganga District Police Commander, Mr Nasibu Ndita, said that he had dispatched officers to the scene to carry out further investigations.