Mubende man arrested after land probe visit

Kampala. A resident of Nyarutete, Kiyonga Parish, Kigando Sub-county in Mubende District was last Friday arrested for allegedly destroying property shortly after Justice Catherine Bamugemereire’s commission had visited the area on the same day.
Mr George Kiiza was arrested and locked up at Mubende Police Station for allegedly damaging property of his cousin, Ms Grace Kaboyo Majoro.
Justice Bamugemereire had earlier advised that the dispute be resolved amicably since the two were cousins.
The duo are fighting over a two square mile land. Ms Majoro is the executive director of Pan African Women Organisation.
The land probe was in Nyarutete, a place of pastoral community, to investigate why the two cousins were fighting.
Commissioners saw how Mr Kiiza, cut down a make-shift shelter built by Ms Majoro’s workers.
In the shelter, there are beans, flour, machetes, a bed with a mosquito net, cups and saucepans, among other items strewn on ground.
“My trust has been stretched and abused too much. He leases, hires and uses the land. Mr Kiiza attacks and destroys my property, my people are living in fear,” Ms Majoro told the commission on site.
Ms Majoro said she bought two squares miles of land and sold 400 acres to her cousin.
She said her cousin was barring her workers from surveying the land and was using force to get her to sell him a particular piece of it.
Mr Kiiza apologised for his actions but demanded that Ms Majoro fulfils her promise to sell him 400 acres so that he can graze his cows.
After listening to the two, Justice Bamugemereire told a tensed meeting of residents that she would prefer the issue is resolved amicably, saying Mr Kiiza’s arrest might escalate the volatile situation.