Police deployed at Besigye’s Katonga office

Police officers take positions at the entrance of Dr Besigye’s offices on Katonga Road in Kampala. Photo by David Lubowa.

Police on Tuesday besieged offices of Dr Kizza Besigye on Katonga Road in Kampala, to stop the 'No Nedda' campaign that is intended to reject what opposition activists describe as government injustices against Ugandans during the Covid-19 lockdown.
Dr Besigye is a four time presidential candidate.
The campaign that was announced on Monday in Wakiso town, involves among other noise making tactics; blowing whistles, vuvuzelas, hooting, banging items like saucepans and kettles.

Political activists from the Opposition Forum for Democratic Change, Justice Forum, the Conservative Party and the People Power Movement are behind the non-violent campaign.
However, minutes after activists started blowing their vuvuzelas, police officers surrounded the offices.

Dr Besigye and close to 30 activists and FDC politicians retreated to the offices where they are holed up since nobody is allowed to walk out of the compound.