Police officer shoots wife dead over infidelity, kills self

Robinah Ajokiti alias Namugisu was shot dead on Monday morning. COURTESY PHOTO

A police officer attached to Buwuni Police Station, Buluguyi Sub-county in Bugiri District in eastern Uganda has shot his wife dead on allegations that she was having an extra marital affairs with a colleague.

Ernest Kasadha is alleged to have fatally shot Robinah Ajokiti alias Namugisu on Monday morning before turning the gun on himself, the Busoga East Police spokesperson, Mr James Mubi said.
The couple, residents of Buyebe LC1 village, Buwuni Town Council in Bugiri District, reportedly 'always had arguments', with allegations of the wife's infidelity routinely being brought to their LC1 Chairperson, Hajjat Amina Isabirye.

“The man always came to my office to report that his wife was cheating on him with another police officer and I was investigating the matter only to learn that they were both dead,” Ms Isabirye said.
According to Ms Isabirye, residents were awakened by the sound of gunshots from the couple’s home and raised an alarm, prompting officers to respond. A fire exchange ensued.

The officer-in-charge of Bugiri Police Station, Mr Godfrey Musimami, said their colleague shot himself after coming under heavy gunfire from his officers.
Their bodies were taken to Bugiri Hospital mortuary for an autopsy while investigations continue.