Police stuck with 8 unclaimed bodies

Ms Namaye, the deputy police spokesperson

Police have raised concern over the increasing number of bodies that are picked from various parts of Kampala City and end up not being claimed by relatives or friends.

The Deputy Police Spokesperson, Ms Polly Namaye, said on Monday that eight bodies that were recovered by police between January 24 and February 2, haven’t been claimed.

According to police, the bodies were recovered from Gayaza, Kigo, Mutundwe and other areas near  Kampala.

Ms Namaye says that none of the bodies had identification documents. 

Police suspect that most of the victims were boda boda riders killed by people who disguise as passengers while others could be victims of mob justice.

Mr Moses Byaruhanga, the police director of medical services, recently said that on average, more than 500 unclaimed bodies end up being buried in city cemeteries every year

According to Mr Byaruhanga, relatives only claim bodies when police and some media outlets publish their details. 

He, however, says without identification documents, police cannot make public announcements of recovered bodies.