Suspected drug addict killed by marijuana vendor

Police officers at the crime scene

A suspected drug addict has been killed at Kyabadaaza, Butambala District after attacking a suspected marijuana vendor.

According to witnesses, the suspected drug addict who was identified as Robert Kayonza, waylaid Mr Vincent Serubowa  on Monday and cut him several times.

In self-defence, Mr Serubowa grabbed the machete from Kayonza and cut him to death.

Mr Serubowa who sustained grave injuries, has been rushed to Gombe Hospital in critical condition.

Kayonza’s mother and other residents say, he was once taken to Butabika National Referral Hospital to be rehabilitated but escaped later and returned to Kyabadaaza, on the Kampala-Masaka road.

It is alleged that Kayonza hid in Mr Serubowa’s banana plantation as he waylaid him.

Residents say Kayonza is a victim of marijuana which is grown in the area.

Police found plenty of marijuana plants behind Kayonza’s house during a search for exhibits.

The cops uprooted some of the plants to the annoyance of some locals, who accused police of failing to fight the cultivation of marijuana in the area.

Katonga Region Police Spokesperson, Mr Joseph Tulya, said that they are investigating circumstances under which the incident happened.