Who is Prophet Elvis Mbonye? In his own words

Prophet Elvis Mbonye. PHOTO/ COURTESY  

What you need to know:

  • He casually speaks about his routine encounters with Biblical personalities, like you would with your housemate. 
  • He stresses that a missed prophecy is not the litmus test for true or false prophets.
  • He reasons that since the doctors that treat patients and unfortunately pass on are not referred to as false doctors, the same token should be extended to prophets. 

“So, what has made you the force of nature that you have become? Mable Twegumye Zake asked Prophet Elvis Mbonye in 2017. 
“The force of the Holy Spirit,” he retorted as if he had waited for this question all his life. 

He speaks with the authority of a medieval monarch. He never minces his words and makes no qualms about his flamboyant lifestyle. Once questioned about it, he humorously quipped, “I’d rather be flamboyant than shabby.”

He casually speaks about his routine encounters with Biblical personalities, like you would with your housemate. 
Like his Master, who in some circles, was referred to as a winebibber, chief of the demons among other unflattering titles, Prophet Elvis hasn’t been spared such reproach either, with some labeling him a conman, a false prophet or hustler hoodwinking the gullible and making a killing.  

But who does he say he is? This article is a curation of various interviews, messages and documentaries he has had over the years in which he has revealed various aspects about his identity. The goal is to paint a plausible portrait of Prophet Mbonye. 

The Call
“My young sister got saved first, but I despised saved people. One morning they shared with me the word, but I began mocking them as usual. But when we bowed down in prayer I just found myself saying Jesus forgive me. What felt like a few seconds later, I realized I was speaking a language I didn’t know. I looked up and thought something is wrong. I burst out in what I have come to know as tongues and a strange power charged all over my body, every bit of my being,” he narrates his born-again experience in the interview with Twegumye. 

In an engagement with NTV Kenya, he adds that the tongues go so loud; “attracting the attention of neighbors with some saying; ‘May be they are demons! Elvis praying!!” 
“It was in that moment that the Lord appeared to me in a vision,” he reveals during an interview with NTV’s Carol Flower. Adding that, “It was like the entire living room ceased to exist and I saw Him, and He told me, ‘You have been called to be a prophet.’ At the time I didn’t know what a prophet and prophecy entailed.” 

Born again in 1998, Prophet Mbonye says, his was an instant transformation that ushered him into a level of life higher than the physical. 

He recalls that, “The next day I told some relatives what was going to happen to them that very day. I started realizing I was operating in a realm that gave me information beyond intellectual processing. I thought everyone born again accessed this knowledge.”
But it was until a year later that the Lord began to expound to him what the office of the prophet constituted. 

In the documentary The Office Of The Prophet, he adds a layer of detail to this encounter with Jesus stating that when the Lord appeared to him, He specifically revealed to him that he had been called to be a prophet in the order of Elisha, the Biblical prophet.
Since then, he says; “I have experienced almost everything that Prophet Elisha experienced. I have had my eyes open to the spiritual realm, I have seen angels. I have seen fallen spirits. I have come out of my body. I have seen things that are outside my geographical location. Literally everything you have read about Prophet Elisha, I have experienced it. Picking up someone’s phone number, name, birthday and other personal details is not something odd to me. I have done it publicly and privately.”

Childhood experiences: 
Prior to his born again experience, Mbonye was no stranger to spiritual encounters. During an interview on NTV Kenya in 2021, he recounted one of the numerous experiences. 

“I was lying on my bed late in the night. I was actually asleep. I heard a voice call my name. So, I woke up and saw the person I had always felt and it was Jesus. He reached out His hand smiling at me in some kind of childly, fondly way. I woke up and held His hand. He carried me up. We went passed right where the roof was, passed different worlds like wilderness, passed another world and another. Then we entered a world that was so beautiful and I felt at home. He took me to a place I have since known to be the Crystal river. I played around it and I was full of joy. It was like a reunion,” he vividly recalls. 

But more of his childhood experiences were with the demonic world during the nights. He would hear things walking in the night and scream. For this, he earned the label of the most fearful person in the home. 
When he grew up, he distanced himself from these experiences; at times partying through the night to avoid the visitations. Yet even then, he continued to have unexplainable prophetic revelations. 

One of the most astounding, he says, occurred when he was in senior four. From a distance, he read details of a letter his then girlfriend had just received from a new guy in the school who was making a pass at her. 
On physically reading the letter, he had demanded his girlfriend to bring forth, Mbonye was equally shocked, noticing that he had prophetically read it word for word, from top to bottom. 

The Valley of Decisions
Years on, following the confirmation of his call, Mbonye was caught in the valley of decisions. In the documentary Do You Believe In Prophecy? Be The Judge; he says that; “In my quiet time I could see the path ahead of me more distinctly. I knew that pursuing my call would come with its fair share of pitfalls, persecution and rejection, being the more discernible ones. I could either spend my life trying to silence that inner voice revealing my calling like many other people sadly do, covering it with layers of logic, excuses and all manner of finite reasoning, or I could simply take my place in God’s grand plan. I’m so glad I chose God’s grand plan. Not just for me but for you.”

As he relentlessly continued his pursuit of God, he tapped into another phase of the prophetic. Beyond picking up on details in the lives of individuals, he started getting revelations of events that were on a national, regional and even global scale. 

The Prophetic Ministry
He is always keen to clarify that he is a prophet not a pastor. To those that don’t appreciate the difference, Prophet Mbonye argues that; “It’s just as wrong calling myself pastor as it is for a doctor to call himself an engineer.”

By design, he says, the pastoral is different from the prophetic office because a pastor is a shepherd, always in touch with the sheep while prophets are not always in touch with the people. 
He notes that the Bible guides believers to receive a prophet in the name of a prophet in order to receive a prophet’s reward. Therefore, if one approached a prophet and instead expected pastoral counseling, they would miss out on the prophet’s reward. 

On a basic level he defines prophecy on three levels; divinely inspired utterances, expression of revelatory knowledge and the revealing of future or past knowledge. But he states that there is a deeper appreciation of the prophetic message when one hears it before it unfolds. This is what proves that indeed the prophetic is the mind of God. 

He cautions against treating prophecy with contempt often stating that one can ignore the prophetic but they cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring the prophetic. Yet this is what he says, happened when he twice, on May 29th and August 7th 2012 warned against Uganda’s military air operation to Somalia.  

In the documentary Do You Believe In Prophecy? Be The Judge, he recounts that it was not until the prophecy about the choppers came to pass that a lot of people begun taking his prophetic revelations seriously. 
“I remember even some people that I thought should have known better, their eyes were opened. They realized they were not dealing with theories. They were dealing with something that is so real. When you defy the mind of Christ manifested or revealed through prophecy, you can’t get away from it,” he warns.

But he is quick to clarify that disastrous prophetic visions are not given so they may come to pass. Rather, they are given for redemptive purposes. 
Notwithstanding the numerous revelations across a wide spectrum, the prophetic ministry still seems to enjoy the kind of reaction reserved for a restless fly on a dinner table.  

This kind of attitude, Prophet Mbonye, largely attributes it to the leaders in the church that have sown all manner of skepticism among their congregations concerning the prophetic, a situation not helped by the fact that the congregants usually pay more allegiance to their denominations than to the revelation of God. 

Differentiating between false and true prophets 
On this touchy subject, Prophet Mbonye firstly cautions against the attitude of witch hunting who is and isn’t a cult explaining that, such has never been the attitude of the Spirit of God. 
But he reveals that, on simple grounds, one of the things that can help you identify the false prophets is that they always carry a sense of intimidation and control, yet God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, and sound mind. 

In an interview with Ms Flower, he argues that; “You can only know the false currency by gauging it against the genuine one. In this day and age one of the errors that have happened to the church is the total closing out of anything that is supernatural. Anything that is supernatural is easily associated with the devil and so when it is closed out you don’t have anything with which to gauge what is right or false. In so doing you close out what would help you see the false.”

On the possibility of missing a prophecy, he points to the scripture regarding the treasure in earthen vessels; meaning that at times the treasure, which is the gift of God, may be affected by the earthen vessel, the flesh. He further clarifies that prophecy comes on different levels hence depending on the given level, one’s flesh may be able or unable to obscure the revelation. 

However, he stresses that a missed prophecy is not the litmus test for true or false prophets. He reasons that since the doctors that treat patients and unfortunately pass on are not referred to as false doctors, the same token should be extended to prophets. 
The encounters  
“The first time the LORD visited me in my bedroom, has turned out to be the most profound visitation I have had simply because of the situation He met me and its implication. It has turned out to be imprinted deep in my heart,” revealed Prophet Elvis during the 2018 Honour Celebrations.  
He had just woken up to pray when he saw the LORD come through the door. Given how young Jesus looked, Prophet Mbonye first thought it was an angel but by a deeper hunch he knew it was the LORD. 

“I just felt that from that moment on I could trust Him no matter what the world thought of me or my brethren in the church thought of me. I could trust that He alone has sent me, and He alone I’m answerable to,” he narrated. 
It was a couple of months later that Mbonye says he would begin to pick up on the significance of the visitation. 
Specifically, the Lord wanted to reveal to him the pattern that he was to take. He said, “I want you to be peculiar. I want you to look up to me.” 
“The church has been on this level for a very long time, yet there’s a new phase and the final phase I’m opening up in this earth and you’ll pioneer it. It will require the uniqueness in which I will lead you, I will direct you. If you follow the voices all over, you’ll get lost in similar voices and the new thing that I’m unveiling will be lost.”

He says another significant encounter occurred on July 1, 2013 during fellowship. While praying Mbonye says he heard a voice call his name. He looked around and not seeing anyone, he continued praying. But the voice called him again. He noticed it was the LORD but continued praying. On the third time of calling, he found himself at the door. 

On looking up he saw a powerful, glorious, angelic being he had encountered a couple of years back. The angal set out his hand picking him up, and in an instant begun traveling high passing several places in the spirit realm till they reached the highest heaven where God dwells; the domain of God. 

“I saw what appeared to be a stream, very clear, crystal clear stream. It was like on the boundary. It was like the entrance into that part of heaven. In this stream I saw vast amounts of people that would appear and they would be taken through the stream then they would walk into heaven,” he stated. 

Facing Lucifer
On facing Lucifer, Prophet Mbonye casually reveals that he has numerous encounters in the spirit, including attacks by satan himself, not minor demons. One of those occasions was after he was given a prophecy that ticked off satan. This he says, wasn’t the first time. It was about the third time. 
“I have put to flight stronger forces than mere men who think they can manipulate this and that,” he said in the interview with Solomon Serwanja. 

As if speaking about an insignificant irritant, Mbonye states that; “If satan manifests, he is put in his place. I don’t fight with him. He fears me.” 
He says it is the people that have glorified Lucifer. 
“He is a small devil. He is a defeated devil,” he revealed during the interview with Isaac Kawalya.
For those in need of proof concerning his experiences, Prophet Mbonye says; “I didn’t like “visit heaven” (long time ago, one-time occurrence). This is my life. It is not something that happened. The proof is in the pudding, like it is said. When you claim things, there has got to be proof to your claims. If I told you that I had a visitation of the Lord, that I had a vision and He told me this, if what He told me doesn’t come to pass then it was fake. But if I tell you that this is what He told me and it comes to pass, then the proof is on the pudding.”  

His Prophetic Authority 
If the over 240 documented prophetic fulfillments are not enough to tell his rank, he has ensured that the public is without excuse. During fellowship on July 09th, 2019 he stated that, “I must remind you that I’m the authority in this dispensation.” 

He revealed that he came because according to the divine agenda of this dispensation, tables are supposed to turn. Things are not to remain the same. Referring to scriptures, he divulged that every plant which his heavenly Father has not planted shall be rooted out. 

To those that still opine that he is fake, Prophet Elvis, dares them to go on record and also prophesy. Secondly, he challenges them to find one person, just one, not in Uganda but in the whole world who has a fraction of his record of fulfilled prophecies. 

“I’m the sharpest prophet. I know that from God. This is based on what I know before God and myself and also the record speaks for itself. If a man is the top scorer, he is the top scorer. His record speaks for itself. I normally don’t like getting involved in speculation. I like facts,” he confidently says during the interview with Kawalya. 

Once asked if he is bothered by the public perception about him, he appeared to strongly restrain himself from retorting that he doesn’t give a hoot. He says that he does not like attention and does not like being praised. To the contrary, he reveals, he thrives more when he is being criticized because he detaches himself from anything that tries to put him up. 

But also bearing in mind where much of the scorn and ridicule comes from, he considers the attacks a compliment because he would not want the devil to praise him. 

Purpose of the prophecies
Firstly, he clarifies that he does not prophesy to be an entertainer, strike awe and wonder, amazement and mesmerize people. His main goal is to bring consciousness and awareness of the Spirit of God to the end that world may awaken to the living God.

“The reason why I do these things is not to draw attention to myself. It is to draw attention to God, to bring credibility to a living God who knows you by name, by number, every detail, that you may believe Him, and every word that precedes from Him. God reveals these things so that as a nation and as a people we may be able to align ourselves according to the will of God,” he says. 

He may be a prophet to the nations but his heart beats for Uganda. His love for this country and willingness to bless it is a public secret. But he cautions that the onus is upon the leaders to awaken to his divine mandate and be blessed or the nation continues to slip down into darkness. 

In the message Approved of God, he warns that the final hour of this country is at hand, whether it will heed the call from heaven or it will close its ears. 

“The future always exonerates a prophet. And history will tell you that the prophet who was the villain of his time, is the hero of the future. So, when I see some of the things in the spirit, I wonder; ‘why can’t these guys come and be blessed? They prefer the curse!!!’ Why do you run to that that doesn’t help?” he wonders.  

He adds that; “It’s not for a lack of national prayer days, prayer breakfasts, we have all these things in abundance in this nation but the economy still goes down and down, the chaos increases and darkness still increases but they keep doing the same thing over and over again. Why don’t they plug in here and be blessed!”

He definitively asserts that there are things that cannot be done away with in this nation until the country submits to the blessing at Zoe Fellowship. “It is the only hope for this nation. I said only, not part,” he says conclusively. 

The Connection
He admonishes people never to let anything or anyone confine them to what is natural, what is dead and stale, even if it is a religious leader. He calls upon people to awaken to what is supernatural, reasoning that; “God did not come to give us a story about Himself. He came to give us an experience of Himself.” 

Above all, he emphasizes the importance of staying connected to the Jesus warning that; “You obviously have to know the source of life, the source of light. ‘I’m the vine, you are the branches,’ Jesus said. Without that connection you wither away.” 

He wonders that some people cannot spend two minutes with the LORD. 
“There’s a time I have been there and spent seven days. I’m not eating. I’m not drinking. You can’t feel exhausted until at some point you say I think let me try and see if I’m still ‘normal’ and go to have something to eat and drink. You are taken over and His life supplants the natural life. That’s what sustains me. That’s what keeps me fresh,” he reveals.