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The magic of partying at Kyadondo Rugby Grounds

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Kyadondo Rugby Grounds. PHOTO/net

Did you notice the underwhelming silence in Kampala upon Manchester City’s Premier League win last Sunday? Where were you? Kyadondo Rugby Ground? Well, I was there too. We probably rubbed shoulders as we stood waiting at the drinks counter or in the barbeque line, you and I.

The place was packed to the brim with young revellers, many of them Arsenal fans, hoping for fate to favour them. They were hoping to beat Everton by the end of the evening, and for Man City to lose or draw with West Ham United. Arsenal went on to beat Everton 2:1 but instead of losing or drawing, Man City beat West Ham 3:1, winning the trophy.

After the verdict, there was zero celebration on the part of Man City fans. People went about drinking beer like nothing had happened, a clear sign that Man City has no fans in Kampala (except maybe for Yovino Okwir). This town belongs to Man U and Arsenal. Hands down.

The sense of disappointment was palpable. Arsenal fans had looked forward to this day for months. Even people like myself, who frown upon this football craze (yeah, I said it) knew that Arsenal had been outstanding all through the season. And we kinda hoped to see Arsenal win, at least for the sake of the celebrations that would ensure.

This is one of the reasons my friends and I had decided to drive a long distance to Kyadondo that day. If there was going to be a celebration worthy of the name, this was the place to be. But alas, West Ham was useless. Surprisingly, while there was no celebration of any kind, barely anyone left out of disappointment.

Fresh rounds of beer were ordered, the live band started performing and Kyadondo continued being Kyadondo. More people started arriving after catching the matches elsewhere. At least a thousand young people were scattered all over the grounds, drinking and makin merry. Because with or without football, or rugby for that matter, Kyadondo fills up in a similar way almost every evening.

So why do young party animals love Kyadondo Rugby grounds? The fact that one is able to jump out of a taxi or bodaboda at the very entrance of the venue, is one good guess. This is the same reason the Lugogo Cricket Oval across the road has become the most popular venue for music concerts.

Kyadondo enjoys a central location that no other hangout spot of its calibre enjoys and young people, especially those that do not drive find it so accessible. But that is just the cork on the bottle.

The girls

Kyadondo probably has more six abs per capita than any other place in Kampala and for that, girls flock here (hi Lizel Muwaya) if only to gawk at the ruggers. And because they flock here en masse, young men do likewise. And where young men and women gather, beer will materialise out of thin air. You would be dumb not to tap into this demand for intoxication. People come here to meet people, especially because arrival time is as early as 1pm.

The meat

Ask anyone that has tasted the Kyadondo pork and you will get the same superlatives across board. The meat is simply good; consistently exceptional. No other pork is quite like the Kyadondo pork. So, once in a while, people make their way to this large venue and endure long queues, just to have a taste of it. Going to Kyadondo without eating at least two sticks of the salty chops feels off.

Cheap beer

For a pub as good and spacious as this, with such a nice crowd, Kyadondo beer is relatively cheap at Shs6,000. The price range is just right for most patrons and for that, young people come to stock up on cheap beer before hitting the really pricey bars in Kololo, if they have to, anyway.

Space and aeration

It is a rugby ground that also has a football pitch at the back. The pub is just the demarcation in the middle. It goes without saying that this is the most spacious pub in Kampala by far. The fact that it gets really muddy on rainy days means nothing to the people that come here. Kampala is not London; it shines more than it rains. Getting muddy feet, once in a while, is no big deal. 

The music

The music at Kyadondo has always been great. They have not compromised on DJ’s in a very long time. Then recently, the proprietors decided to entertain the revellers with a live band every Sunday, playing for a different surprise guest. This sealed Kyadondo’s music game. People now go in anticipation of their favourite musician performing on stage.

Kyadondo Rugby Club is really the microcosm of Kampala’s party life. It makes a great sample space for whatever one may need to know about Kampala’s society and hangout culture. But if there is one thing other proprietors need to learn from Kyadondo, it is that great meat pulls crowds.