Methods of irrigating a garden

A farmer in Masaka uses stored rainwater to irrigate her garden of vegetables. PHOTO BY MICHAEL J. SSALI

Good crop growth needs sufficient soil moisture as a healthy plant is composed of 90 per cent water, which is used for its vital functions, notes Mr Stephen Okajje, a researcher and a farmer in Nyenga, Buikwe District.

“Throughout the first few weeks of growth, as plants become established, they must have water to build strong root systems. For example, if one is growing crops like carrots or tomatoes, one should make sure that the crops get about two inches of water from the top-soil level into the ground whenever watering. This when the crops are still young or have just been planted,” he says.

The watering can be done at least thrice a week and the soil moistened to a depth of six to seven inches at each turn of watering. It is advised to do it again when the water starts to dry out.

Okajje notes that there are different types of crop irrigation that are used depending on one’s capability and soil type. Commonly used forms include rotation, drip, centre pivot, sprinkler, and surface flooding.

With rotation method, sprinkler equipment is used to move from one place to another within the garden until the whole crop has been sufficiently watered. Drip method is where water is delivered to the root area of plants. A container filled with water is tied to a pole next to the crop with water dripping through tiny holes. This method is mostly used by those with small gardens and helps to minimise water loss to evaporation.

In sprinkler method, the water is pumped to points in the garden where sprinklers rotate and spray water at high pressure over the crops. The water is distributed through a system of pipes to the crops.

Surface flooding is where the water is allowed to flood across the land through channels. The method is mostly used by rice-growing famers. And with the centre pivot method, the sprinklers are rotated around the garden during watering. A high-pressure water tube is connected to an irrigating machine and the sprinklers are supported at various points, either manually or by electrical means.

Therefore, in considering irrigation, take note of the following points: Know the irrigation method to use, secure a water source before starting, always consult experts for advice, know the type soil, and most importantly, cultivate and mulch first for better results.