What to do about a hole in the tooth

What you need to know:

  • Cavities do not hurt in their early stages, and they are easier for dentists to treat when they are small and painless. As the decay progresses, it is more inconveniencing in terms of discomfort for example pain and swelling on the gum. The costs of treating this are also high.

Anyone with a hole in the tooth should see a dentist, even if there is no pain. A hole in the tooth is a cavity. As bacteria and acid continue to breach the tooth’s enamel, the cavity grows and tooth decay continues; unless the person receives professional treatment.

Cavities do not hurt in their early stages, and they are easier for dentists to treat when they are small and painless. As the decay progresses, it is more inconveniencing in terms of discomfort for example pain and swelling on the gum. The costs of treating this are also high.

The symptoms of a cavity vary depending on the stage of tooth decay. Early on, a person may not notice the hole or even feel any form of discomfort.

To treat a cavity, a dentist removes the damaged area of the tooth and replaces it with a filling. If there is a risk of pain, the dentist will numb the affected area with a surface swab or injection before beginning the treatment.

Regular dental checkups are important for everyone, even when there are no noticeable issues.

Dr John Paul Okim, Dentist,  Doctors’ Hospital Sseguku