Mayor wants country to adopt residents’ leadership model

Kira Municipality Mayor, Mr Julius Mutebi. PHOTO/FILE/HANDOUT 

The Kira Municipality Mayor, Mr Julius Mutebi, has hailed residents of Nsasa for their leadership model, which he wishes happens in Uganda.

Mr Mutebi was speaking during elections for new Nsasa Community Estate Executive Leadership Team (ELT) on Sunday, which saw the election of five office bearers to different positions.

“I'm impressed with the way you're choosing your leaders, nobody is being arrested. I haven't seen this in a long time. I'm a Catholic and only see this in church. I wish that happens in our Uganda," he said.

The election process, which was conducted by show of hands, saw Mr Simon Peter Kavuma elected supreme chairman, replacing Mr Ozo Obitre whose five-year term ended. Mr Kavuma will be deputised by Prof Pauline Byakika Kibwika.

Other incoming office bearers include; Ms Lydia Akite Wafula (General Secretary), Mr Isaac Kiyimba (Defense Secretary) and Ms Carolyn Olimurungi (Treasurer).

Mr Owen Murangira, the Chairman Electoral committee, thanked whoever participated in the elections, either as candidates or voters, saying it was a highly-attended gathering which drew over 100 people.

“The high attendance is attributed to the interest people have in their leaders and evidence of how this community is destined for greater heights. I congratulate the winners and wish them the best in their five-year nonrenewable term,” Mr Murangira added.

 Ms Wafula who's also the Child Protection and Advocacy Manager at Child Fund Uganda said during her five-year term, she will advocate for the rights of children within the estate, saying even before attaining the position, she has been involving some parents within the estate on the same.