Sleepless night in Kasese after three rivers burst banks again

People on the street after flood waters entered their home in Kisanga Cell, Nyamwamba Division on the night of May 22, 2024. 

What you need to know:

  • Whereas the river had burst its banks on a hot Wednesday afternoon, the situation worsened at around midnight when the water started flowing into people’s homes throwing families into frenzy panic.

Hundreds of residents of Kasese town have had a sleepless May 22 night after rivers Nyamwamba, Nyamughasana and  Mubuku burst their banks and flooded people’s homes.

The flooding rivers recreated memories of previous flooding disasters where several lives were lost and properties worth billions of shillings including the famous Kilembe Mines Hospital.

Whereas the river Nyamwamba had burst its banks on a hot Wednesday afternoon, the situation worsened at around midnight when the water started flowing into people’s homes throwing families into frenzy panic.

Mr Moses Kathaba, the Chairperson Nyamwamba East cell said that initially the newly constructed drainage channels had managed to control the flood waters, but the water volumes continue to increase.

“We have been moving through people’s homes and advising people to wake up because of course it is a better precautionary measure. We would rather people don’t sleep than have them die in the house. We have lost a lot of property including two houses and two electricity poles.” Kathaba told Monitor at 3am on May 23.

Mr Kathaba said the extent of damage to property and homes has not yet been established but hundreds of households in Kanyangeya Cell of Kanyangeya Ward have been displaced.

“We live with this very stubborn river so we need to be more vigilant. When we realized that the situation was getting out of hand, we also engaged police that came and joined hands with us to alert the people. We hope we don’t experience a repeat of the 2020 floods where our people in Kanyangeya were forced into camps as Internally Displaced Persons,” Mr Kathaba added.

Ms Doreen Mbambu, a resident of Kizungu Cell in Nyamwamba Division said she could not sleep because water flooded her house making it unhabitable.

“I know that when Nyamwamba floods, I need to be on high alert. While I had heard people say that the river has burst its banks, I just didn’t believe we would be affected that much because it had not rained. However, at around 2am, I saw water beginning to enter my house. I told my child to wake up and we improvised by filling sacks with soil to prevent further entrying the house. I will not go into the house again at night until I am sure that we are really safe,” Ms Mbambu said.

Ms Christine Muhindo, a resident of Kamulikwizi said they could not sleep because they were afraid the house would collapse on them.

“All the waters collected through various drainage channels in Kasese town find their way into Kamulikwizi and Saluti. Unfortunately, there is no proper system that absorbs those waters which eventually flood into our houses. These waters are weakening the buildings and any time, houses will begin collapsing,” Ms Muhindo narrated.

The situation was similar in so many parts of Nyamwamba Division especially Nyamwamba East, Nyamwamba West, Kisanga A and B, Saluti B, and Acholi Quarters and some part of Bulembia Division. 

The waters also flooded institutions including Rwenzori College of Commerce and Liberty College of Management and Journalism, Greenwich Model School, Rwenzori Valley Nursery and Primary school, Nadir Preparatory School, Asamu Model Secondary School and churches like Uganda Martyrs Nyakasanga and St. John's Kisanga Roman Catholic church.

Ms Alice Kabugho, a student at Rwenzori College of Commerce narrated that they were doing their examinations when the waters flogged their school compound. 

"There was no rain but we just saw heavy waters pouring in our compound and within a short time, there was no way out of class accept passing through windows," Ms Kabugho told Monitor. 

Mr Arnold Thembo Marule, the bursar at Rwenzori College of Commerce said; “This is unprecedented. It is not common that we experience floods when it is actually shining. I am wondering where the waters have come from but we are doing everything possible to contain the water.” 

Mr Joseph Bwambale a resident of Base Camp upper points to a possibility of a heavy down pour in the deeper parts of the Rwenzori Mountain. 

"The waters came with much pressure and speed. We were all shocked by the heavy running waters that flowed without any rains. But this usually happens whenever Rwenzori Mountain receives water since it is the source of all rivers,” Mr Bwambale said.

Mr Bwambale, who also brews local alcohol says he lost his alcohol when the river flooded.

"I was expecting shillings 180,000 from my waragi but the river swept everything. I was lucky my brewing drum was rescued. what am happy of is that I, my wife and children survived since my wife and the children had just crossed the river going home,” he narrated.

Mr Isaiah Thembo, the Local Council Chairperson for Kitooro cell said;

"Let us be alert! We are still happy that no life has been reported dead. And I appeal to the people especially those that the waters passed in their compounds to tentatively locate for safety because we can't tell what will happen next." 

Earlier in the day, river Nyamwamba had for the third time swept away Kiwa Heritage, a popular hang-out place in Kasese town located on the river buffer in Kibenge.

The place offers an exquisite environment with hot springs and beach volley, pond fishing and a myriad of cultural whiskies.

Mr Sylvester Kule Walyuba of Kiwa Heritage said he ran for his life when he realized that the place was being flooded.

“We waters have really swept the hot springs and our fish ponds. However, because we have maintained shrubs this side, it has helped in reducing the damage it would have caused on the land and also in town.” Mr Walyuba observed.

Meanwhile rivers Nyamughasana in Kyarumba and River Mubuku in Ibanda-Kyanya Town Council had also burst their banks. 

Augustine Mbusa, a resident of Kyalhumba Town Council who revealed that one house had been destroyed by River Nyamughasana appealed to government to come to the quick rescue of the people.

“I think it is high time government realized that the issue of flooding rivers in Kasese needs special attention. These rivers need to be desilted and also gabions well-constructed to prevent waters from finding their way into people’s homes,” Mr Mbusa said.

Mr Joseph Singoma, the Kasese District Senior Planner, who also doubles as the Secretary to the District Disaster Management Committee says it is unfortunate that the rivers are causing destruction within the community.

“We already have more than 4,500 people in the district who have been displaced either by floods or landslides who are now being hosted in various temporary camps. The Uganda National Meteorological Authority in its forecast indicated that Kasese would receive above normal rainfall. We need to be alert all the time.” Mr Singoma noted. 

Compiled by Jerome Kule Bitswande, Yoweri Kaguta & Moureen Biira