UPDF soldier among 9 killed in Christmas clashes with cattle rustlers

A Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) soldier is one of the nine people who were killed in Christmas clashes with cattle rustlers in Karamoja sub region while three of his colleagues were left with serious injuries.

Eight of the deceased are suspected cattle rustlers who had raided Kailong village in Lokopo Sub County in Napak District, authorities said Saturday.

Residents said the shooting that lasted about four hours left them tensed as it disorganized their Christmas celebrations.

Brig Joseph Balikudembe, the UPDF 3rd Division Commander confirmed the shooting and added that five guns were recovered from the suspected rustlers who are believed to have crossed from Moroto District.

He also confirmed that the army lost one soldier while three others were critically injured.

“They were many in number and they got our soldiers on alert so they engaged our soldiers and they tried to drive away the animals but later they were overpowered," he said.

Brig Balikudembe appealed to the political and kraal leaders to join hand and fight against the persistent cattle rustling in the area.

He said the army will not sit and watch as few people try to take Karamoja back to the previous insecurity situation.