Here is how you can get to write in Daily Monitor

Author: Odoobo C. Bichachi is the Nation Media Group (NMG)-Uganda public editor. PHOTO/FILE.
What you need to know:
- This week’s column, like last week, is devoted to you readers having your say, and direct feedback from the NMG to your questions.
This week’s column, like last week, is devoted to you readers having your say, and direct feedback from the NMG to your questions.
Daniel Mategyero Nuwamanya: How can I have my commentary published in Daily Monitor? More than two months ago, I reached out through this email [email protected] asking about specifics for those who wish to have their ideas published, but I have not received response—yet. Similarly, two weeks ago, I sent an article to the email above, I even copied [email protected] but I have not received a response, not even an acknowledgement that someone saw the email.
I am aware of how busy you work to serve the nation so response times may be somewhat longer. However, how or who does someone reach out to for reasons as the ones raised above?
Public Editor: Apologies on behalf of the team for this lapse. This feedback has been shared with the editors so they can in future do better in responding to readers.
That said, getting your commentary published is pretty straight forward. You simply need to submit one that is well argued, is not defamatory or libelous, is topical and timely, is in the recommended range of word count (600 words), a mugshot photo, and it shall be considered for publication.
Yes, there are space constraints in the newspaper so submitted op-ed articles compete for space. Some are, however, published straight online where there are no space constraints. Still, every editor loves a good article and if it is, they will not wait to publish it.
John Kavuma: I have a question: Do “stale” prime stories remain prime even for subscribers when their subscription packages have expired? How does Daily Monitor take this into consideration if subscribers wish to refer to these past articles for future reference?
Emma Waiswa (Head of Digital – NMG-U): Once an article is tagged “PRIME or PREMIUM”, it can only be read by someone with an active subscription. One can pay today and still read PRIME articles from last month or even last year. We don’t categorise them as stale (as in not-fresh, but as exclusive at the time of publishing), otherwise, why would one wish to access “stale” content?
Name withheld: I would like to send an opinion piece to your paper but I prefer that my name is not used. Would it be possible in your newspaper to use a pseudonym?
Public Editor: Thank you for your inquiry. We do not publish anonymous opinion articles or letters. All opinion articles must carry the name and mugshot (passport photo) of the writer.
Eng. George Mabweijano (Kampala): I am an avid reader of your newspaper [Daily Monitor]. What you may not know, is that I am also an avid crossword puzzle solver. Doing crosswords is one the simple pleasures in life, and I always look forward to the daily challenge.
I have noticed however, that the crosswords in the Daily Monitor newspaper are often incorrect, i.e. the clues given do not match the grid. This renders the whole puzzle un-doable. I have observed this a number of times, but now I want to bring it to your attention, in the hope that there will be an improvement.
In today’s Saturday Monitor [March 2], it is evident that the clues given for Standard Puzzle no. 1925 does not match the grid. For example, there is a clue for 8 across: “In terms of numbers” (11). However, on the grid, there is no 8 across. Instead, the grid has 8 down, with three spaces, but there is no 8 down clue. Also, the clue for 11 across is: “Began the same way” (11). However there is no 11 across on the grid. On the grid, there are provisions for up to 19 across, but the clues given stop at 11 across. Similarly, the grid has provisions for up to 17 down, but the down clues stop at 6 down
This is just one example. More attention should be given to the crossword, otherwise we “puzzlers” feel cheated when we come across such. I suggest the leisure page should be edited by somebody who actually does puzzles!
Public Editor: Thank you for this feedback. Your frustration – and perhaps that of many others that love filling the crossword puzzles – has been shared with the editors for action.
Send your feedback/complaints to [email protected] or
call/text on +256 776 500725.