Appreciate doctors for the good work they do

A frontline health worker. PHOTO/FILE/COURTESY 

What you need to know:

  • Mr Ronald Eporu says: The media and public should appreciate that medical workers who take high risks to treat Covid-19 patients deserve high returns, and focus on improving the plight of medical workers in the public sector. 

There is an outcry from sections of the public about Covid-19 patients being charged exorbitant fees by doctors in the private sector. However, these complainants completely ignore the fact that about 12 doctors have died of Covid-19 within the last four weeks. 

Have these complainants provided any special fund to support dependents that these doctors have left behind? To my knowledge there is no social contract with doctors to that effect. I certainly agree that private sector health services and charges need to be regulated.

However, the media and public should appreciate that medical workers who take high risks to treat Covid-19 patients deserve high returns, and focus on improving the plight of medical workers in the public sector. 

Proprietors set prices based on the nature and level of risks entailed in rendering a service.Therefore, private sector services are designed for customers who can afford and not everyone.

The 10th Commandment as read by Moses prohibits Hebrews/Christians from coveting whatsoever belongs to a neighbour in order to be offered a place in heaven. 

Ronald Eporu, Medificwise Ltd    


Rest in peace safety activist, Greenheart             

Last Tuesday morning when my bosom friend Greenheart Lot Mugerwa breathed his last due to Covid-19, I was reminded of stark ironies of life especially, society throwing a few personalities onto the debris of history; those who would otherwise have been useful to posterity. 

The Biblical Joseph of Erimathea is a typical example.  Not a single renowned disciple or associate picked courage to associate with a haunted, hounded, condemned and crucified Jesus but biblically, this Joseph is mentioned only once. Even then, just as a by-the-way! Strange. 

Anyhow, for Greenheart, in all his adult life, after arming himself with a Masters’ degree in IT based solutions, he sought to offer simple solutions to Ugandans particularly on road and waterways’ accident proneness dubbed Saferoad.  

The gruesome killing of bodaboda riders would be no more. Impunity would stop immediately but here we are stuck with our motorcycle related crimes! And even more telling is the fact that many Ugandans are not aware that various entities have attempted to pirate Green’s brand instead of embracing it.
For the record, drivers’ photos displayed in PSVs (buses) just behind drivers’ seats originated from Saferoad. So is branding of bodabodas reflective vests and the idea of designating boda boda stages in Kampala during Jennifer Musisi’s tenure at KCCA. 

After the March 2020 lockdown, he unsuccessfully attempted to introduce to MOH and other Government agencies software to track Covid-19 victims’ contact with a travel history. Now the country is crying because of infections! What art thou made of man? 
Wilson Bbosa,   [email protected]