Champion education as a fundamental human right

What you need to know:

  • From partnerships to mobilising volunteers and supporters, we are harnessing the collective power of individuals and institutions to drive meaningful change for communities.

In today’s world, access to education is more than just a privilege, it is a fundamental human right.

Yet, millions of children around the world continue to face barriers to quality education.

At 40 days over 40 smiles foundation, we refuse to accept this status quo. We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to learn, grow, and succeed, regardless of their circumstances.

As champions of literacy and education, we are on a mission to bridge the gap between opportunity and access.

Our latest initiative, the Angaza Resource Centre, embodies our commitment to this cause. Opened in July last year after generous donations from the public, the Angaza resource centre located at Merowa Junior School in Kibuli, Makindye Division stands as a testament to our dedication to empowering communities through education.

The centre provides resources such as textbooks, storybooks, games, computers, and other materials to support better learning outcomes for children.
it serves as a safe space for children to play, interact, and learn hands-on skills that can contribute to their economic wellbeing in the future.

Our work goes beyond traditional classroom learning. We recognise the importance of holistic education, encompassing not only academic knowledge but also life skills, values, and opportunities for personal growth.

We provide comprehensive support to nurture well-rounded individuals who are equipped to overcome challenges and seize opportunities.

From partnerships to mobilising volunteers and supporters, we are harnessing the collective power of individuals and institutions to drive meaningful change for communities.

But our work is far from over. As we celebrate our achievements and milestones, we must also recognise the challenges that lie ahead.

The global pandemic has only worsened existing inequalities, deepening the divide between those who have access to education and those who do not. Now, more than ever, we need to redouble our efforts and stand in solidarity with those who are most in need.

Children and youth, especially those that attend underserved schools in Uganda, have to work harder to gain quality education to unlock their potential and compete favourably with their peers who attend ‘good’ schools.

This is because underserved schools have inadequate or lack facilities that support access to information and well-trained teachers that use innovative ways to teach and focus on their needs.

The ‘good’ schools typically integrate technology into teaching and learning to enhance learner’s engagement and facilitate access to information. learners may use laptops, tablets, interactive whiteboards, and educational software to research, collaborate, which is not the case in underserved communities.

Let us harness the power of technology and innovation to reach marginalised communities and provide them with the tools such as computers, tablets etc to thrive in the digital age.

Utilising digital platforms and online learning resources, such as educational websites and virtual classrooms, will allow us to beat geographical limitations and ensure that every child, regardless of location, has access to quality education.

And for the teachers, investing in comprehensive teacher training programmes and professional development programmes will equip them with the skills and knowledge to implement innovative teaching methods, tailored to the diverse learning needs of their learners.

The learning environments of these learners should also be designed in a way that they are culture sensitive. This can foster a sense of belonging among these learners, especially in marginalised communities.

Let us commit to building a world where every child has the opportunity to fulfill their potential and contribute to the betterment of society.

Marvin Twiinawe, Communications and Marketing volunteer at 40 days over 40 smiles foundation.        
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