Networking is a powerful tool for career advancement

Growth. Employees have a discussion at work. A near-peer mentor can even be a workmate. Photo by David Stanley Mukooza

What you need to know:

  • Otherwise, welcome to the real world of hustling, as many would like to say.  

Most, if not of all of us, have heard that old axiom that states ‘no man is an Island’. 

 As human beings, we all need strong and meaningful relationships in every aspect of our lives, and that includes in our careers to work, live fulfilling lives and achieve our full potential.  And one of the most effective ways for one to build a strong social network is through networking, and whether one is an introvert or extrovert, networking is key in developing one’s career status, after all, it is said, it is not what you know, but who you know. Investopedia defines networking as the exchange of information and ideas among people with a common profession or special interest, usually in an informal social setting. Why am I writing about networking one may ask, well, I discovered its benefits halfway into my career, though I wish I did at the onset of my career.  At the start of my journalism career nine years ago, I never gave much thought about networking despite the vast networking opportunities in this profession. Every day, journalists meet all kinds of people from all walks of life, or professions. I was all about covering events, getting a story and rushing back to the newsroom to file the stories. However, a few years later, I realised career growth was beyond covering events and writing stories. Among other things, I needed to create long-term relationships with mutual benefits. I made a deliberate decision to intentionally start networking, and I am beginning to harvest the fruits.  Most of the work, training and mentorship opportunities I have got came from my professional contacts who I have kept in touch with over time. I must say, I am still learning this game called networking, and I am getting better.  Whenever I attend a professional-related event, I interact more with people, and where possible, exchange contacts for possible future working opportunities, because I now know the importance of connections.  Through networking, we learn to exchange information and ideas with others who have different world views from ours, and the more we learn, the more we grow on personal and professional levels.  Networking opens doors of newer opportunities. Through meeting and interacting with people from one’s profession, and or business line especially the more experienced ones could be a game changer. These are the people that can link you up to the next client or project/job, volunteering or mentorship opportunities though it is not always a guarantee.  Networking also leaves room for one to stay up-to-date with new career trends and by embracing such developments, one remains relevant in their profession.  More still, networking enhances creativity, people find solutions to problems when they come together, and of course it also builds one self-confidence. The more people one interacts with, the more the individual can express themselves freely, and this also boosts self-esteem.  Here is how fresh graduates can embrace networking as they join the world of work, and work toward career success. They can attend professional symposiums, join professional associations such as Public Relations Association of Uganda (PRAU) for communications specialists, stay in touch with alumni and be active in alumni associations. They can also join volunteer groups like Rotary and Rotaract, then attend and support social events such as weddings, parties, and marathons among others. People also meet others through other people.  Important to note; is that networking is increasingly going online. People are connecting with like minded people on different social media sites such as Facebook, twitter, and the largest platform that connects professionals from different fields is LinkedIn. Anyone who wants to connect with a large number of professionals of their choice, having a LinkedIn account is a must.  To all the fresh graduates, remember, we live in a widely interconnected world, as you start out your career, don’t undermine networking, it will open doors for you if you’re intentional.  Otherwise, welcome to the real world of hustling, as many would like to say.  Go connect with the world, and make a difference. Vivian Agaba, The writer is a journalist and consultant writer/editor