Can I modify a Subaru Impreza Sports wagon?

What you need to know:

  • Their shortcoming is poorer brake performance when they become wet after driving through a puddle of rain. Converting the rear brakes from drums to discs will require a costly conversion kit and technical know-how for safety and performance reasons.

Hello Paul, I am getting a Subaru Impreza Sports Wagon 2005 and would like to make a few modifications. I need to change the wheels to low profile ones and the rear brakes from the drum type to discs. What would you advise? Giovanni.

Hello Giovanni, low profile tyres look better and enhance the vehicle looks. They also have wider rims and tyres which enhance high speed braking and vehicle handling. For a frequent upcountry traveller, low profile tyres can be unpractical.

On bad roads they easily get damaged. Rims are sitting on a smaller air cushion so they are exposed to solid edged potholes or humps and are easy to damage. Low profile tyres tend to give a stiff and rough ride on bumpy upcountry roads and their tyres are more expensive.

Brake drums are easier to purchase and maintain anywhere. Their shortcoming is poorer brake performance when they become wet after driving through a puddle of rain. Converting the rear brakes from drums to discs will require a costly conversion kit and technical know-how for safety and performance reasons.