Single in the city, beware of the office party

What you need to know:

  • What is worse than a hangover? Remembering the things you said while drunk.
  • But he is a gentleman, and he never bragged about what his looks and persona were doing to me. In fact, after a few months, we dated for some time until the relationship fizzled out.

As you get ready for that most interesting time of the year, you need to be on your guard. If you have been dodging people’s advances throughout the year, you had better remain sober at the office party, especially after 10pm. Why? Because that is when there real party begins – after the bosses and their speeches are out of the way.

The things we do when we are young! I happened to have a crush on the resident hunk at the office. Anyway, everyone had a crush on him and because of that, I was too scared to approach him and tell him. Deep down within me, I knew he felt something for me, but he had never expressed it. So what do you do when a man just refuses to express what you are perfectly sure he feels for you?
Take a swig of alcohol and tell him how you feel. That is what a couple of older women at the office told me. And poor naïve me, I followed their advice to the dot. The only problem is that even the best laid plans fail at some point.

At the party, it was an open bar and there was too much alcohol. I was still a novice at the drinking game and I took way too much that it loosened my tongue. If only my tongue had given way when I was only with him! Instead the treacherous little thing began giving up the secrets of my heart right in the middle of the group. I told all and sundry about how I had had a crush on him for ages and I was now letting him know the things I wanted him to do to me. To say that he was embarrassed, is an understatement.

What is worse than a hangover? Remembering the things you said while drunk. I thought I would never live down the embarrassment. Even as I am writing this, I still feel shame about the things I said. Of course the older women laughed behind my back.
But he is a gentleman, and he never bragged about what his looks and persona were doing to me. In fact, after a few months, we dated for some time until the relationship fizzled out. He is still one of the people I think about when I am feeling wistful as I sip on a glass of wine when I am bored. That man. He was (and still is) a piece of work.