The right colour for your house

Some colours can help relax one’s mind after a hard day. Photo by Edgar R Batte

What you need to know:

The colour you choose for different rooms will have effect on the look of the house and on your mood

As some people show their art on paint and plants, others put more effort on lighting. When it comes to choosing which light to put in the house, most people have no idea which colour goes where and some of them end up choosing the wrong lights for different rooms hence creating a different feel in the house. Here is a guide on how to choose the best coloured lights for your house.

According Dorothy Nabatanzi, an interior designer at Rota Technical Services Ltd Bugolobi, colours have the power to affect your feelings, emotions and mood. Every colour you put in your house depicts a certain picture, and she adds that not every colour is recommend for your house lighting.
Different types of lights and meaning in the interior world.
Blue brings peace to an individual. It’s a colour of the sky and will exhibit a feel of nature in the house. Blue-green lights will work better than dark blue.

Green is a colour of strength and energy, it will keep you refreshed and stress free, Purple has the power to calm your mood, reduce on the mental stress and give sleep.
Orange arouses creativity and hard work to an individual whereas the red colour maybe seen as a sign of fire this colour is not recommended for house lighting. Yellow is a light colour and can be used in house lighting.
White lighting is a bright colour, it’s recommended for activity rooms and not resting ones. It’s the brightest and overly used of all colours.

Lighting for different rooms

Nabatanzi notes that if it’s a children’s bathroom, you should put a bright lighting as they may fall and don’t need the colours any way. But if it’s an adult bathroom separated from the rest, you can use colours that will relax your mind but not blue and green which will cover the dirt in the bathroom since they blend with the walls and make them lose colour. Nabatanzi recommends that you use types of lighting that will show the wall as they are.

She adds that coloured lighting will work perfect in the bedroom since this is a resting area where the owner can bring out all the mood and emotions. The bedroom needs cool lighting that will relax your brain these may include blue, green and purple. These will give you a peace of mind, enable you to think and refresh you as well.

Edythe Biira, a freelance interior designer notes that corridors need the brightest lighting because it’s narrow and a busy area, colored lights would end up causing accidents. She recommends bright white colours which she terms as normal lighting are the best for corridors.

Just like the corridor, Biira says that’s you can’t use coloured lights in the kitchen. The kitchen always has dangerous things knives that could hurt you since coloured lights don’t sparkle bright.
She adds that since it’s a cooking areas, you need to be sure of what you are cooking the reason a bright colour is needed.

Sitting room
Being an activity room where by some people use it as a reading room, watching and children playing, coloured light aren’t need here as well. Coloured lights won’t give you effective reading or carrying out other activities as they may damage the eyes. Nabatanzi adds that if the owner is okay with it they can consider adding some. Some people add yellow or green.

Dining room
This is another room that welcomes light effect. Here you will need a colour that is going to cool your mood and prepare you to your meal. Colours that appeal to your senses include purple, blue and green. Colours can also be used to get children to eat since they entice and Biira notes that there is a way they connect with the enzymes.

Children’s room
This too can have coloured light to make children sleep since it’s hard for them to find sleep in most cases. Purple and blue can be ideal. Though for the sake of reducing accidents, Biira would advise you add a bright colour.

Lighting and décor
Nabatanzi notes that coloured lighting should be incorporated in the house as décor, to create a sensible effect, the colour should blend perfectly well with the different features in the house especially paint and furniture. The colour should blend perfectly well with the different feature in the house especially paint and furniture.
To make them more alluring, give them decorative lamps which are available in a variety of shapes and sizes.