Work for peace, Tororo Archbishop tells youth

Tororo Archbishop Emmanuel Obbo

Kampala- Tororo Archbishop Emmanuel Obbo has challenged youth to lead responsible lives and work to promote peace in the country.

While delivering a homily during the Uganda Martyrs Day celebrations at Namugongo yesterday, the prelate said violence breeds bad habits which destroy the fabric of family life and society.

“As young people, work for peace, not for violence because violence gives birth to violence. When there is no love and friendship in the family, young people are forced on the streets to look for friendship [and] join wrong people that will never make them grow,” he said.

Archbishop Obbo also challenged parents to ensure that their children have a sense of direction.

Cautions parents
“Parents, you have responsibility before God; to bring up your children and family in God-fearing manner. Bad family life affects the youth negatively and affects your neighbours. You have responsibility of continuing to teach your children. Let us wake up and correct our families where our Christian life is going [astray],” he added.

The Archbishop, whose archdiocese led the organisation of this year’s Martyrs Day festivities at the Catholic shrine, condemned increased kidnaps and human trafficking that has injected fear among citizens.

“The culture of make-quick money by hook-and-crook, including kidnapping, human trafficking, witchcraft and evil worship in a Christian family bring darkness. We need to ask for forgiveness from God Families must come out and pray for repentance and reconciliations with God and with their own family members,” he said.

President Museveni, who arrived at the end of the Holy Mass, advised clergy to work hard to drive poverty out of their followers.

He urged Christians to lead exemplary lives. “If Christians are not good examples to the others in how to lead a disciplined life but also a productive life, then who will do it?” Mr Museveni asked.

He said he has reached an agreement with the leadership of the Inter-Religious Council of Uganda to mobilise the faithful to engage in incoming-generating activities to fight poverty.

“I am glad that we have agreed to work with them to mobilise you to chase poverty out of homes,” he said.
Organisers said this year’s Uganda Martyrs Day observance, like the years before, attracted pilgrims from around the world and many African countries such as Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Burundi and Rwanda.