MP Magyezi sued over age limit Bill

Mr Magyezi

KAMPALA- The mover of a Bill seeking to amend Article 102 (b) from the Constitution, Mr Raphael Magyezi, was yesterday sued before Constitutional Court.

Mr Magyezi has been sued by Advocates for Human Rights, Peace and Development (AHUPE), an organisation set up to foster constitutionalism and peace.

AHUPE contends that Magyezi’s Bill has led to the rights of citizens to be threatened and that the same motion is irregular and unconstitutional.
Also sued is the Attorney General, the government chief legal adviser.

The petitioners add that the age limit Bill has caused anxiety all over the country and that the same is threatening instability and destruction of the constitutional order.

The Bill
The Magyezi Bill, that was tabled before Parliament about a month ago amidst kicks and fistfights, seeks to amend Article 102 (b) of the Constitution to remove the presidential age limit.
The petitioners also state that it is wrong to allow a private member like Magyezi to cause an amendment on the national Constitution that affects all the citizens.

AHUPE contends that the political and legislative work of Mr Magyezi as an MP under Article 79 of the Constitution does not involve moving the House by the private member’s Bill to amend the Constitution as the same is a violation of oaths.

AHUPE claims that the Igara West MP did not observe Article 94 (1) c as it is mandatory to seek assistance from relevant government departments whose area of operation the private Bill is going to affect, which in this case should have been the Justice ministry and the Electoral Commission.
The petitioners want court to order MP Magyezi to withdraw his age limit Bill and in alternative, be declared null and void by court.

They also want court to issue a permanent injunction against Magyezi and any other private member of Parliament to bring a private Bill to amend the Constitution.