Monitor, EU launch second comic series

Partnership. The head of the political section at the EU delegation to Uganda, Ms Sandra Paese (left), with MPL managing director Tony Glencross launch the new comic series at the Monitor offices in Namuwongo, Kampala, yesterday. PHOTO BY RACHEL MABALA

What you need to know:

  • Ms Lydia Ainomugisha, the Rainbow editor, appreciated the partnership, saying the series is timely as it addresses kidnap and sexual abuse which are some of the things children are facing today.

Kampala. The European Union in partnership with Daily Monitor yesterday launched the second issue of Tesa and Luuka, a comic series that runs in Rainbow magazine, a children’s pullout.
Tesa and Luuka is an initiation of European Union aimed at reaching the young generation in Uganda, the main target of the EU strategy in the country.
Mr Tony Glencross, the Monitor Publications Limited managing director, said the comic series is a great initiative that helps the company reach and educate children on their rights, promote tourism and give back to community.

Ms Sandra Paese, the head of political section at the EU delegation to Uganda, said Tesa and Luuka comic is in line with human rights and democracy and was designed and implemented by the organisation and its member states since 2016.
“Through the journey of these two siblings [Tesa and Luuka] in the different places in the country, the comic addresses, in a creative manner, the protection of children’s rights,” Ms Paese said.
She said introducing the comic series will help promote competence in reading skills among children as well as help them learn more about their country.

Ms Lydia Ainomugisha, the Rainbow editor, appreciated the partnership, saying the series is timely as it addresses kidnap and sexual abuse which are some of the things children are facing today.
“I am glad Tesa and Luuka is back because the children had enjoyed the previous series and some were writing to me asking when it would start,” Ms Ainomugisha said.
Ms Elizabeth Namagembe, the brand manager of Daily Monitor, said in the first comic series, Tesa and Luuka travelled to Jinja.

The first issue of Tesa and Luuka was distributed in six parts in the Rainbow magazine reaching more than 136,000 children, and (30,000 glossy copies) in Newspaper in Education (NIE) reaching 4,861 readers.