Senior official at Science and Technology ministry arrested over Shs120m land fraud

Mr Geoffrey Auyit Odongu was arrested Thursday by Lands Police Protection Unit (LPPU) based at Criminal Investigations Directorate (CID) headquarters in Kibuli. PHOTO BY KMP

Police in Kampala are holding a senior accountant at the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations (MOSTI) over Shs120m land fraud.
Mr Geoffrey Auyit Odongu was arrested Thursday by Lands Police Protection Unit (LPPU) based at Criminal Investigations Directorate (CID) headquarters in Kibuli following a case reported by one Ms Robinnah Tushemerirwe.
It’s alleged that Ms Tushemerirwe bought land from Odongu in March 2017. He however failed to avail her with a land title to aid the transfer process.

“Tushemerirwe said she inspected the land in Kyanja, bought 21 decimals from him at Shs 120m and was promised to receive the land title in a few weeks. Suspicion arose when attempts to reach Odongu for the land tittle became futile since he had started playing hide and seek games,” said Kampala Metropolitan police spokesperson, Mr Luke Owoyesigyire.

The police spokesperson added in a statement that “Mr Odongu feeling ashamed of his acts requested for a dialogue with the complainant which collapsed since he did not have the land title with him.”
Ms Tushemerirwe then reportedly insisted the only dialogue she could listen to was being availed with her land title.

She said she would not accept the accused to refund her money because she paid for the land and she was ready to develop it.
A case file LPPU GEF 359/2018 was opened and the suspect shall be arraigned in court to answer charges of fraud and obtaining money by false pretence, according tom police.