TopBet offers Mbarara soft landing ahead of maiden season

L-R: Stephen Othieno, Mbarara City FC captain, Makweth Wall, Mbarara City FC assistant captain, Harold Atukwas of Top Bet, Mwine Mpaka Rwamirama, Youth MP Western, Charles Ngabirano, Rwampara County MP, and Fred Mugalu, Mbarara City FC CEO, display the dummy cheque of the Shs200 million as a one year sponsorship from Top Bet to Mbarara City FC during the official unveiling at Kati Kati Restaurant. Photo by Ismail Kezaala

KAMPALA- The financial state of several topflight league clubs remains suspect. For newly- promoted western regional side Mbarara City, however, they will not have as many complaints after unveiling a Shs200 million partnership with TopBet  company .

 Club president and Member of Parliament for youth in Western region Mwiine Mpaka Rwamirama  believes the package which is all in cash will go a long way in helping the club achieve its targets that should start in maintaining their top division status.

 “Western region has not had a team in the top division for about 15 years so for us to have a team will help us promote talent and help us play our players’ salaries,” Mpaka stated.

The Ankole Lions have stuck with the majority of the players that guided them to the top division as well as retaining coach Richard Makumbi.

 “One of the main things they did was focusing on the grassroots, starting small and growing bigger which is what TopBet represents in this market and all other fields,” he said.

 Vialli Bainomugisha will assist Makumbi while former SC Villa utility player Asuman Arishe remains the most high profile addition.

 Mbarara travel to Kakindu stadium in Jinja on Tuesday to play BUL FC in their opening league game.