Know his suit needs

The double-button suit is more suited for formal business attire. Opt for a charcoal or gray suit over black, unless you’re attending a funeral. Dark gray is more versatile and goes with more colours. photos by Abubaker Lubowa.

What you need to know:

Even if you do not want to shop for him, you want to be able to advise him when he asks for your input, or even when he does not.

Information overload never killed anyone, so it is fine to just know what is appropriate when it comes to men’s suits. But who knows, it is information that could come in handy, seeing as you may one day need to go shopping for your son’s prom, or need to chip in on hubby’s choice of suit.

Here are therefore a few general guidelines for what is appropriate when it comes to men’s suits;

Ties, squares and lapels
• The width of the tie should match the width of the lapel. Lapels are the folded flaps of cloth on the front of a jacket.
• In general, thin lapels are more modern. Wide lapels are more old-school. So choose your look accordingly.
• A pocket square adds an extra level of polish, but make sure it doesn’t match your tie in either pattern or fabric choice. Before you go totally conservative, remember that the pocket square is where you get the most freedom and the one place you get to add a little jazz to your suit.
• Your tie should always be darker than your dress shirt.
•For a more casual, trendy look,opt for a single-button peak-lapel jacket.

Buttons and vests
• You should be able to slip your hand between your chest and your buttoned jacket such that it feels snug, but with room to move.
• Always unbutton your suit before sitting down, or you risk ruining it.
• The top button of a two-button (or the middle button of a three-button) should fall at or above the navel.
• If you are wearing a vest, always keep the bottom button unbuttoned. This is one rule you can break though.
• There are practical reasons for vests beyond just how they look. A vest is best worn with single-breasted suits (so it’s actually visible). It can also add a lot of warmth, and a formal touch to your suit.
• Sleeve cuffs should be exposed about half an inch. For a harmonious look, try to match the visible cuff length to the amount of collar that is visible at the back of the neck.
• Make sure that your socks are long enough that there’s no exposed leg when sitting down.

• The suit jacket should be just long enough to cover your pants zipper and butt.
• Your tie should just reach the waistband of your trousers, or be slightly shorter.
•For a more fashion-forward look, the pant hem should hit right at the top of your shoe. For a more conservative look, the pants should cover the top of the shoe and parts of the laces.
• If you sweat a lot, wear an undershirt. Preferably one with a deep neck so it doesn’t peek through. Nothing will cheapen the appearance of a suit more than a glimpse of undershirt.
•Finally, go for the dimple. The dimple is the little hollow beneath the knot of your tie, and it gives a slightly disheveled yet polished appearance to your finished look.