Specialisation is the key

Amos Wekesa

What you need to know:

  • I have many talents that can put food on the family table but I have decided to focus on tourism as my major stay for almost 20 years now.

A casual friend called me last week and said “I now consider you a close friend,” I was like, why?
The last time we had a conversation, you left very angry and being a busy body. I moved on with my work without thinking about you, I told him.
This casual friend, as I still consider him, is a multi-talented person with a big a heart which many people have taken advantage of.
Upon getting what they want, they flee leaving him empty handed. I asked him if I could share a bit about our discussion.

This guy has rescued many people out of carelessly acquired debts and also stood as security for his friends borrowing money for personal purposes.
He ends up having to pay by working hard since he is multi-talented and it was not until last year that he finished paying off debts of other people.

Last year, the guy was in need of about Shs2m and he asked about 20 people, many of whom are beneficiaries of his hard work and seemingly doing well but none came to his rescue.
Since I have my own financial challenges, I contributed a small percentage (most business people are asset rich but cash poor) but also have so many financial challenges.
Most multi-talented people do not know how to handle the basics of life including basic financial management which ends up hurting them and those close to them who are meant to be beneficiaries of their efforts.
This can even be seen in Uganda. People generally fear to advise people who come across as talented.
In the Western world, there are companies that help talented sportsmen, musicians, academics etc. That allows the talent to focus on their core agenda.

This casual friend of mine did not get my percentage without a lecture about life and money issues which did not go down well with him.
We also discussed specialisation, which is a big problem of multi-talented individuals based on my own life story.
I have many talents that can put food on the family table but I have decided to focus on tourism as my major stay for almost 20 years now.
Specialisation accompanied by discipline and character can help one enjoy their life’s career.

Anyway, back to my casual friend. He told me that he thought through all the discussions I have had with him over the years (I did not know he always wrote down our conversation) and made up his mind to focus on one particular talent accompanied by use of wisdom when dealing people.
He has now settled with one business which has now taken off, by keeping books of accounts, paying himself a small salary which pays all of his bills. My conclusion is that we shouldn’t fear discussing hard stuff with people especially if we have passed through some of the same experiences. They might get angry but with time some return and testify.

The writer is an investment expert
[email protected]