Dorothy Nabatanzi: Sleep and lots of water are my secret

Dorothy Nabatanzi

For me, sufficient sleep has always been a priority because if I have less sleep then my day will be a mess since I will be grumpy and that means my look will be messed up with the stress of trying to stay awake.

My day starts with a glass of water that I cannot do without because I feel I need to keep hydrated right from the word go. Throughout the day, I take more water to make sure I make up for the recommended eight glasses per day. Drinking water has helped me maintain flawless skin.

Since I always wear makeup, every day I steam my face to open up the pores. I opt for quality and what is suitable for my skin type and I always buy something after consulting a dermatologist. I also buy makeup from one trusted person to avoid buying fake products.

I avoid eating oily foods because oil is not only bad for my health but also causes acne which I guess every woman out there hates so why not take precaution? My favourite food is pasted fish with matooke because these are boiled. Although the paste has some bit of oil, it is all natural and has no side effects on my skin.

I avoid taking alcoholic drinks although a glass of wine once in a while does not hurt. Exercising is not my thing but when I have company, I do go out for maybe a walk and the time I take will depend on how long my friends can handle.

As told to Dorcus Murungi