Achieving your 2019 resolutions

Success. Having time bound-goals will help you achieve your resolutions. Photo by Godfrey Lugaaju

What you need to know:

Did you achieve all you were set to do in 2018? If not, you needn’t lose hope, 2019 is here and you can start as early as now to finish what you did not achieve and perhaps set new goals.

Did you achieve all you were set to do in 2018? If not, you needn’t lose hope, 2019 is here and you can start as early as now to finish what you did not achieve and perhaps set new goals.

Isaac Bahati, solar panel dealer, notes he was set to build a house for the last two years and it came true in December 2018, he says this was possible because he stayed focused and worked hard and didn’t give up despite the failures. Here is how to set new year targets and abide by them.

Have a goal
Bahati notes that everyone is supposed to have a purpose in life and this is your goal. You are supposed to have a common thing you would want to achieve and work towards it.
This could be building a house, opening a business, and finishing school, among others. This will help you get focused in life.

Give yourself deadlines
Zubedah Kunihira, director Kaladon ltd says anything done without a deadline will take long to be achieved.
You need to set a specific time you would want to achieve your goal and work towards beating the deadline. This will help you have a time set for different goals and may perhaps help you achieve some of them.
“Setting deadlines will help you cover a number of your goals as they are timetabled therefore achieved on a work plan,” she adds.

They should be realistic
Good Ephraim Kahwa, a business man notes that your goals should be achievable.
Setting goals that are hard to achieve will make you lazy. Set goals that are realistic and can be achieved.
Start small according to your capabilities and they can get greater as your grow.
“when you set the bar so high, you will mess up trying to achieve big things that aren’t within you reach, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t dream big but rather have dreams,” you can achieve, “he says.

How to achieve your goals
Dorothy Nabatanzi, the director Rota Technical Services Ltd Bugolobi gives us tips on how to achieve our goals this year.

Work hard
Nothing can be achieved without hard work. For every goal set, you need to work harder than you have ever worked and you will achieve it.
“Work twice as hard and more than you have ever worked,” she says.

Don’t give up
For every fall or failure, stand up and keep moving. Sometimes you have to fall a few times before you reach where you are supposed to be.
“Even if it’s something you have tried to achieve for the past six or ten years, keep your hopes high and try again this year, you never now what the future holds for you,” she adds.

Stay out of your comfort zone
Living the way you have always lived means you will get what you have always got. Do the things you have never done even if they are uncomfortable for example waking up a little earlier, going back home late and in between that time working extremely hard. “The reason we don’t achieve much is because we love living in comfort. The only person who should in comfort is one who has already worked enough,” she notes.

Kunihira adds that sometimes the people we meet help us reach our targets really quick. For every person you meet, keep in touch and make as many friends or connections as possible.

Let people know
Let people close to you know about your goals because sometimes you need a pat on the back to remind you of your purpose.

Celebrate what you achieve
Enjoy the little success as you await the big ones, sometimes the reason we don’t achieve much in life is because we don’t appreciate the little things we get. Kunihira notes that when you train yourself to celebrate the little things, your heart will crave for bigger things and will push you to achieve them.