Four isolated foreigners at Entebbe test negative for coronavirus

All the four foreign nationals

Four foreigners with flu and cough isolated at Entebbe Hospital

Ministry of Health has asked the public to remain calm and follow preventive measures as there is no confirmed case of Coronavirus

at Entebbe have tested negative for coronavirus, according to Ministry of Health.
“Test results for samples obtained from the four foreign nationals (One French and three Chinese) are Negative of COVID-19,” the ministry’s Senior Public Relations Officer, Emmanuel Ainebyoona said on Monday hours after they were picked from by the surveillance teams.

However, the Ministry of Health has asked the public to remain calm and follow preventive measures as there is no confirmed case of Coronavirus.

“Take heart dear. All those isolated and tested are safe. Results negative. Kindly trust our medical teams that are doing their best in circumstances. Whatever is done is in the interest of keeping us all safe. Support their effort,” the permanent secretary at the Ministry of Health, Dr Diana Atwine also tweeted.
On Friday last week, Dr Ruth Jane Aceng the Health Minister said, 695 travellers, Chinese, Ugandans and others have been isolated for follow up. Of these 488 are Chinese nationals, 64 other nationals while 143 are Ugandan citizens. 280 individuals have completed days of self-isolation.

The global death toll from the new coronavirus epidemic surpassed 3,000 on Monday after dozens more died at its epicentre in China and cases soared around the world, with a second fatality on US soil.
The virus has now infected more than 89,000 people and spread to over 60 countries after first emerging in China late last year.

Preventive measures according to ministry of health;

1. Wash your hands with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand rub
2. AVOID hand-shaking and hugging at all times
3. Cover your mouth and nose with tissue or a handkerchief when coughing and sneezing. Throw
away the used tissue immediately into a dustbin or burn in and wash your hands with soap and
water or use an alcohol-based hand rub. The handkerchief must be washed by yourself daily and
ironed with a hot iron
4. Do NOT spit in public. Find a secluded place like toilets or pit latrines in which to spit in.
5. Maintain a reasonable distance between yourself and someone who is coughing or sneezing
(at least 1 meter apart)
6. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Hands touch many surfaces which can be
contaminated with the virus and you can transfer the virus from the surface to yourself
7. If you have fever, cough and difficulty in breathing, seek medical care immediately.
8. People with flu-like symptoms should use face masks to cover the nose and mouth and stay
home in a well-ventilated room
9. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as door knobs/handles, car doors,
elevator buttons etc. daily with regular household disinfectant or soap.
10. All travellers arriving from countries affected by the Coronavirus Disease should follow
guidance given by health workers at the airport and other border entry points.