Makerere Don accused of rape, set free after complainant snubs court summons

The Directorate of Public Prosecutions has withdrawn a rape case against Makerere University lecturer Prof Christopher Bakuneta.

This was after the key witness failed to appear in court even after several summons to appear.

State attorney has presented a nolle-prosequi discontinuing the charge. Nolle prosequi is a Latin phrase meaning ‘will no longer prosecute’. It amounts to a dismissal of charges by the prosecution.

Bakuneta, was a lecturer at Makerere University College of Natural Sciences before he was indicted of rape of a female student of the institution, a one Vanessa Ntegesa who was staying in his garage.

It is alleged that on March, 27, 2016, at Makerere University in Kawempe Division, Kampala city, Bakuneta had forceful sexual intercourse with the student without her consent.

This is the second time the complainant failed to turn up in court.

The trial which was scheduled to kick on Tusday November 20th, was adjourned to today, after the state failed to trace the witness.

Prosecution led by Catherine Akello asked for an adjournment on grounds that the complainant who is also the main witness had yet to be traced.

Akello said, the victim’s phone number was not reachable and she was no longer at Makerere University, which was her address three years ago.