Museveni has not appointed a new vice president- State House

Vice President Edward Ssekandi. File photo

State House has dismissed reports that President Museveni has named a new vice president and appointed Edward Kiwanuka Ssekandi as a special presidential advisor on Buganda affairs.
There were reports making rounds on WhatsApp over the weekend that Mr Museveni had dropped Mr Ssekandi and appointed Mr Apollo Nelson Makubuya, the former 3rd deputy prime minister of Buganda kingdom, as the new vice president.

Mr Apollo Nelson Makubuya

However, State House dismissed the reports describing them as fake news.
“Colleagues, this has been brought to my notice. It is fake. I have not issued any such statement. Please disregard,” Senior Press Secretary to the President, Mr Don Wanyama said in a statement he posted on social media alongside the 'fake' WhatsApp message.

Kabaka Ronald Mutebi II last week reshuffled his cabinet and named Mr Makubuya, who was formerly the 3rd Deputy Prime Minister and minister for Justice and Constitutional Affairs, as the Chief Advisor of the Buganda Kingdom.


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The new changes have seen merging of different ministries

Mr Ssekandi has been Vice President since May 24, 2011 when he replaced Gilbert Balibaseka Bukenya who had served from May 23, 2003. Prior to that, Ssekandi served as the Speaker of Parliament from 2001 to 2011. He has served as Member of Parliament for Bukoto County Central constituency since 1996.