Asaph Mwebaze: Nyamityobora’s silver bullet?

KAMPALA. Nyamityobora were yet to fill the vacant coaching role yesterday although it is understood Asaph Mwebaze has been chosen over Alex Isabirye. In principle, Mwebaze, the 2016-17 Fufa Big League Coach of the season, has agreed to join the Mbarara side pending personal terms. His unveiling could be held tomorrow.
The 2017 coach of the year finalist preferred not to divulge any plans for the relegation threatened club after his three-month stay at Onduparaka.
Prior to his appointment, Ali Ssekatawa, the team patron was confident of Mwebaze praising his mentorship towards young players, whom Nyamityobora has abundantly.
For the more than 10 years Mwebaze was at Maroons, he earned himself a name for being so principled that he hardly changed his mind. His ability is unmatched though. At Maroons, he was in charge of a team with similar traits like Nyamityobora that grooms its own players.
The likes of Saddam Juma, Abel Eturude, Denis Rukundo, Peter Otai, Allan Oliek, Dickson Kigongo, Hood Mulikyi, Saidi Kyeyune, Paul Mbowa, Martin Mpuuga, George Abege, Patrick Kaddu, Muzamiru Mutyaba, Denis Rukundo, Richard Ayiko and 2017 Copa schools’ MVP, Abdallah Ssenyonga, among others, thrived under his tutelage. He is engineered to polish mediocre players!
But he has done all this with the patience of Uganda Prisons boss, Johnson Byabashaija.
Ssekatawa has plenty of reasons to be excited about his team which he thinks has just been unfortunate.
It’s entirely possible — maybe even likely — that Nyamityobora’s debut season in the top flight will go down as the worst in their history. And even though Ssekatawa is not particularly interested in putting all the blame on former coach James Odoch, he still felt like change was unavoidable.
“The team did not play to expectation but obviously we made a change with a coach I personally admire.
There may not be a silver bullet to solve the team’s woes, but there are certainly areas that the new coach could look at instantly. The defence has conceded 16 goals, the highest in the division. The club’s financial landscape could allow for January additions with the primary target of survival.